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Can I just say that I absolutely despise everyone who ships KurtxDave. I think it's absolutely disgusting, they were both straight and it's so creepy.

We awoke in the middle of the night so Frances crying. I got up and Kurt followed, she had been good about sleeping through the night. She weakly reached her arms up like she was grabbing for Kurt. Kurt picked her up out of her crib.
"She's warm." He said. We decided to take her temperature, as his medical books said a small child having a fever over 100 flat was bad.
"102.5" He said worriedly. He held her close to his chest. She laid there, she didn't squirm until she got attention from me as she usually did. She stayed there still.

"We should call the doctor." I said. He nodded. We went into our bedroom and got dressed. The baby was laying in the middle of the bed. She wasn't crying to be held, it was worrying. After we were prepared we called the doctor.
"Hello?" Kurt said. A few seconds later he spoke again. I held bean.
"My 4 month old daughter has a fever of over 102." Kurt said. The doctor couldn't see us as it was 3 am, but he told us we should take her to the emergency room, so we did. We buckled her into her car seat and drove as fast as Kurt could legally. Kurt usually drove like a grandma. My eyelids were heavy and I was tired, but my baby was sick. My baby, she was as much of my daughter as she was anyone else's. I got up when she cried, I was the first person she saw in the morning. She was my love, I loved her.

We arrived at the hospital, Kurt insisted on holding her, we checked in and waited in a room of fluorescent lights, with a pregnant woman and her husband, and various sick people. Bean was quiet.
"Are you Kurt Cobain?" I heard a guy say.
"Yeah." Kurt said quietly.
"Oh is something wrong with Frances?" He asked. I looked up, it was a teenage boy, probably a fan.
"Yeah." Kurt said.
"Oh, well I will leave you guys alone, but it was nice seeing you." He said.
"You too." I said politely noticing Kurt wouldn't talk to the boy further.

It was light outside by the time we finally got a doctor. 

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