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I woke up the next morning, the other side of the bed warm. My dog sat under the blanket where the pillow didn't separate. I got out of bed and as soon as I opened the bedroom door, I heard River happily singing. I wondered how he ate breakfast, without eggs and bacon, without milk(I was high while writing this and had eggs on the brain so I said "eggs for his cereal." And  I am dying.) for his cereal, without bread for toast. River was holding Frances close to his body, singing and dancing to a tune from within his head. He brightened up when he saw that I was awake. He was wearing striped pajama pants and an odd sweater. He grabbed my hand as soon as I got into the living room.
"River I am not going to dance with you until I have coffee." I sighed putting my hand on my head.

"Fine I will make Frances dance with me." He said. I walked into the kitchen and started on the coffee. The phone rang behind me, I grabbed it off the hook and pressed it between my shoulder and my ear.
"Why the fuck is River there?" He asked.
"Hello and good morning to you, Kurt." I sighed.
"Why is the magazine the woman at the front desk's front cover River Phoenix and you holding hands?" He asked. I knew there wasn't any hope in explaining.
"Why are they saying you're dating?" He asked. To my silence, he kept freaking out.
"Kurt was it the truth when the magazines said Bean was a heroin addict?" I asked him.

"Okay bad example. He was trying to get your daughter and I away from the media. So we wouldn't get trampled." I sighed.
"Why is he there?" He asked coldly.
"To help me with bean and keep me company. "
"Yeah, keep you company," he scoffed.
"Kurt I'm not going to argue with you"
"Then let's not talk at all, goodbye." he said and then the line went dead. The water ran in the sink, River singing happily from the living room. The fridge set out a low hum, a similar hum to that of the lights at the place where Kurt was. The phone rang again.

"I love you." He said before I could say a thing.
"Okay." I said, hanging up.

Rio came in as I sunk to the floor. 
"Are you clean?" I asked him. He looked down at his hands sadly. He couldn't look me in the eyes.
"I'm gonna take that as a no." I said with a sigh. I tried my hardest not to break down in front of him, I pushed past him out of the kitchen and into my bedroom. I heard Rio following closely behind me.
"Can you leave me alone for a bit?" I asked him.
"You look like you're going to cry." He said. I look down and then back up to his light eyes.

"I'm not going to judge you for crying. You're at a rough point." He smiled and then pulled me into his arms. I didn't, I didn't cry. We stood in the hallway, his arms forced around me. I didn't cry because of the reassurance that it was okay to. I didn't feel the need to. Nothing was going okay.

by the way I hardly edit these bc I am a lazy sod so sorry

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