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"I brought the baby." I saw Kurt with messy hair, curled up sadly in bed.
"I've been trying to get him to eat." The nurse who walked me in said.
"I was hoping you could get him to, if not, we're going to have to put him on a feeding tube." She said.
"I can try." I smiled.
"You two have an adorable daughter by the way."

She shut the door behind us leaving Kurt and I together. He reached up in a feeble attempt to hug his daughter. I sat her down so she was laying against Kurt's stomach. I sat awkwardly
"I'm sorry." Kurt finally said. My eyes were trained on the dull unforgiving tile floor.
"Are you not going to talk to me?" He asked weakly.
"Are you going to eat?" I asked him. He looked up at me.
"Please come here" he said picking up his daughter so I could lay at his side.
"No I'm okay."

The nurse came in with a plate of food. She pulled me aside.
"Please get him to eat this, he won't be happy if he has to use a feeding tube." She said. I nodded. I sat back down on the bed.
"I'll lay with you until visiting hours are over if you eat this." I said pushing the plate over to him. He looked at it and then looked at me. He shoveled the mashed potatoes into his mouth and then placed the plate on the table beside his bed.
"That's all?"I asked. He nodded.

"Better than nothing." I said laying beside him.
"Look I am so sorry." He said as he rubbed my back. I stayed silent for a few moments.
"I know you need help with Frances and need companionship when I'm not around." He said with a sigh. Bean drifted in and out of sleep, being woken ever so slightly when her father spoke.
"I overreacted." He said to complete his apology.
"It's alright."

Sorry it's short I haven't felt like writing.

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