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Courtney left after Kurt got to hug his daughter. She seemed to prefer him over Courtney, but I decided against saying anything there, just incase Courtney would go off on me. I tried to stay out of it. While she was here Kurt brought the baby to me and I got to hold her. She was just the sweetest little thing.

"Kurt I think you should try to get full time custody." I said.
"Why?" He asked.
"Frances obviously likes you more than Courtney, and when she's with Courtney she's with a nanny all the time. That's no way to raise a child." I sighed.
"The mothers always get the kids though." He pointed out.
"Because usually men are seen as worse parents, but because Courtney is a drug addict, I'm sure we could get the baby. I'd help you." I said.
"Okay." He smiled.

The day was fast approaching. The day we got on the plane to LA and shipped all of my stuff to our new apartment. It went from a month to only a few days.
"Kurt I'm scared of flying." I whispered as we were falling asleep that night.
"You'll be okay." He said putting his arm around me.
"Dave and Krist and I will be there for you." He added.
"I guess that's true." I said.
"It is, now go to sleep." He whispered and kissed the top of my head. I happily obeyed.

I woke up the next morning to an empty room besides my bed and boxes. Kurt was nowhere to be found. I got up and looked into the living room. Kurt was sitting on the couch with a box on the coffee table. I couldn't see the box's contents but a burnt spoon on top of it. Kurt was slouched over with his eyes shut. I didn't confront him, he didn't notice me. I grabbed my shoes and went outside. I didn't bring my pager, I didn't bring any money, I just went outside and started walking. I was worried about Kurt but I didn't care anymore. It was a few days until we moved to LA. I had to spend my foreseeable future with Kurt in a place where I don't know, Kurt was probably on drugs and trying to knowingly get his daughter. I sat on the curb of a busy street. The roar of cars drowned out my thoughts.
"Why are you sitting on the sidewalk?" I heard a man's voice I didn't recognize say. I froze up. I turned around and saw Mike. Mike from that band that I forgot. I stood up.
"I needed some time away." I said.
"Ah, I'm going to go get coffee if you want to come." He said.
"Nah, I should be getting home, thanks for the offer." I started to walk away. He nodded in response.
"See you later." He waved. I waved back.

I started to walk back home. The same people I usually saw in my neighborhood were out, I had no clue what time it was or how long I had been sitting there. It felt like minutes, but that theory proved false. I left at about noon and it's now getting dark. Kurt should be better, hopefully.

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