Discontinued (PLEASE READ)

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(Yes that's me)
Hello, reader
I hope you are all doing well during these hard times, with COVID-19 and everyone being sick and all. It's been hard for my family and many others like us. Thankfully my family hasn't lost anyone to the virus itself, but instead in other ways. My family lost our 3 year old Neapolitan mastiff, Zeus, and 11 years old French mastiff, Daisy, both to cancer in 2021. It's still a damper feeling in the house but we are doing better. Currently (as of January 18th, 2022) I tested positive with Covid a few days ago, but I'm not bad a off, worst I've had is a sore throat and hoarse voice, so I'm sure I'll be fine. *knocks on wood* Anyways to the sticky sweet bit-

This is a very old story and I'm very happy for what it is. I started this story a (at least what feels like) long while ago in middle school in 2016, about 7th grade for me, at the age of 13. To be honest I didn't expect it to get as many reads as it did. I'm older now and much better at writing I hope, but sadly this book is officially at an end. I hope you all enjoyed it for what it was. I hope it was a comfort to you, or will be a nostalgic memory to look back on. I for one wrote this book as more of a tool for my own escape.

So I thank you, dear reader. Thank you for being what I needed in those earlier years of teenage mischief. I still love this fandom with all my heart, and rest assured Tokyo Ghoul will forever be known as my favorite anime. However, all arcs have an end, and this book is definitely one I didn't want to leave unmarked with one finally goodbye. These characters are ones I wasn't able to finish writing, however I leave it to you, reader. Finish it, if you want. Or don't, I'm not your boss. But I figured the best way to end this era of my life would be to open the copyright to be able to have you, dear reader, make the ending you wished this book to take, and embark on a wonderful journey with the characters. Tag me or message me the book so I can read it, please, if you so decide. I look forward to this branching off in different ways.

I wish you all the best of luck, dear readers. I love you all so. So, for a final time (at least on this book, who knows on others), sayonara.

Stitches and Tattoos (Uta X reader X Juuzou) Where stories live. Discover now