Chapter 3: The Butterfly and Kojaki Mai

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Uta tells me to sit on a stool in the corner. I walk over with Touka and Uta both fallowing me. Touka watches as Uta takes my measurements while asking me some random questions. "So, do you have any allergies?" He asks. "No." I simply state. He nods and continues, "Are you ok with rubber or metals?" I nod lightly in response. "What kind of Ka-" right when he was about to finish a blood curtailing scream was heard just above us. I get up and grab my bag that I sat next to the stool, before sitting down (I know I probably didn't say you had a bag but just go with it please!). I quickly grab my old mask that I have been using for years and run up the stairs to where the scream was heard. I notice Uta has his mask, wait... That's... Oh my god HE is No Face!!! I secretly fangirl inside at this but see Touka running quickly behind him with her mask, it looks like a rabbit, which actually now that I think about it fits her very well. I put my old mask on and turn the corner to see a little girl who smells like a ghoul and an investigator. He has out his Quinque witch is a Rinkaku type, that pore ghoul. I glare at the investigator from behind and shoot out my Kakuja (by the way I'm capitalizing these to help me latter on in the story, because I suck at spelling!). Four, black, long Rinkaku sprout out from my lower back, followed by a beautiful red and blue Ukaku shaped like butterfly wings. The investigator turns to face me and his face changes to a look of horror, "T-The Butterfly, a-an SSS Rated ghoul..." He looks over to Uta and Touka, "W-With non-other then The Rabbit and No Face!" He starts freaking out scared out of his mind. I just shoot one of my Rinkaku arms at him, piercing right through his throat, his blood shoots all over us after I pull the black arm out of is neck. I sigh and walk up to the little girl, who is shivering. "Name?" I asks as politely as possible. She nods and looks up at me, "Kojaki Mai (just making it clear: Koo-ja-ke May, just in case you thought it was Ko-ja-ki.picture above is what she looks like as well)." She quietly mumbles. I smile, "Nice to meet you Kojaki, my name is-" she cuts me off, "You're the Butterfly! Your Kagune is really pretty!" I smile, "Thanks but it's not just my Kagune, it's actually my Kakuja! And my actual name is (l/n (f/n), but call me (y/n)!" She smiles and nods, "Ok! You can just call me Mai!" I nod and smile back, "Alright, Mai! Oh, these two are my friends, Uta, No Face, and Touka, the Rabbit!" I point to them as I say their names, and allias in a lower voice. She waves to them and smiles brightly at them both. I can tell by just how she is she is a really sweet girl, and I can't wait to get to know her!

I know it is a short chapter and I am so sorry but I am writing this at like almost 11:00pm and I am already tired from the day so I was just trying to update as quickly as possible. I hope you liked the story, and what do think about my new character I added? Kojaki Mai will be important so pay close attention to her and (y/n)'s relationship! I wanted a cute relationship between the main character, (y/n), and a side main character, Kojaki Mai! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I shall talk to you all later!

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