Chapter 6: Path of Life

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(Song isn't specially chosen for the chapter, just a good Volcaloid song, don't judge me!!!! Also listen to it reversed! It is terrifying!! It's called, "Secrets of Wysteria". Anyways, enjoy the chapter!)

Positive. I quickly grab the test and sink to the floor. No. No no no no no!!!! This can't be happening. I can't have a kid, I mean yeah I have Mai but not birth a kid! I feel myself about to cry. Tears swelling my view. "Mommy?" I look up at the door. Mai. Oh no. I can't let her see me like this. I still have to take her to school too! Great, my life is a complete mess. I'm pregnant at the age of nineteen and I already have an adopted five year old. "Uhh... I'm ok, Mai. Go hang with Daddy for a little." I tell her trying not to make myself sound like I have been crying. "Oh... Ok." I hear Mai walk away. I hold the test close to me. Who's ever this baby will be, I'll love them no matter what happens. I wipe my tears and get to my feet. I need to tell Juuzou. I walk out the bathroom and into the living room to see Mai playing with her stuffed animals and Juuzou getting ready for work. "Um, Juuzou?" I walk up to him. He turns to me and frowns, "Are you ok, (y/n)?" "Actually-" the alarm clock goes off that we have set for when we leave the house. Juuzou glances at the clock and back at me. "Can we talk when I get back from work?" I sigh but nod. He kisses me passionately and kisses Mai's head before leaving the house for work. Mai runs up to me with her book bag. "I'm ready, Mommy!" She beams giggling. I grab my wallet, phone,  and her hand before walking out the door.

We walk down the street, I look down at my watch, 10:45am. Good, her school just opened. We turn left to see the big preschool Mai goes to. I kiss her forehead before she runs off. She stops really quickly and runs back over to me, only to pull me into a big hug, "I love you, Mommy." I smile, "I love you, too, Mai." She pulls away and smiles. "Have a good day at school ok?" I tell her. "Ok!" She yells back, running to the school. I like taking her to school. I get some quality time with her. I walk away from the school only to be stopped by two investigators. They obviously we're new, and knew nothing about what their job was. "Miss, may we ask you your name?" The tall but muscular one asks me, "(l/n) (y/n), sir. Is there a problem?" I ask. He nods to his partner, a shorter man, slender, with blonde hair and green eyes. "No ma'am, we were just needing some information." I nod and smile, "Well, have a good day~!" I wave and walk off, heading back to the less busy part of town, the side I live on.

I make it home and sit on the couch. Ok so what can I do today. I could go to the store, Juuzou needs more sweets, also just more things that HE needs to live. I sigh and get up from the couch, I look up at the clock on the wall, 11:56am. Ok so I have to pick up Mai at 2:30pm, and Juuzou comes home at 7:35pm. So I have three hours to go to the store and a LOT of time to get back home with Mai. Ok let's go.

*time skip to after store, I don't like shopping...*

I get to Mai's school just as they let out. Mai runs up to me and grabs some bags. As we walk home I ask her, "So, how was school?" Her eyes widen after I ask but quickly gets covered up with a big smile, "Oh uh... It was great, yeah!" I stop. "Mai, what are you not telling us?" Mai looks around, "What do you mean, Mommy?" I get on my knees, "Mai, please tell me what is going on with you at school. You don't have to right at this moment but at least when we get home." She looks down at her feet, "Ok, but does Daddy need to know too!?" She looks up at me terrified when she asks if Juuzou needed to know. I sigh, "That's up to how bad it is." Mai nods and we start back walking home.

Once we're home and all the groceries are put away. Mai and I sit in the living room as she squeezes her little stuffed half white half black bear (*cough cough* Monakuma *cough cough*). I pull her into a hug and she hugs me tighter then ever. "Mai, please tell me." Mai nods her head before speaking. "Kids at school make fun of me when I talk about you or Daddy. They thing it's messed up that my parents are only nineteen. They say it's wrong. Until I say that you just found me and took me in. Then they started saying things like 'they don't really love you'." She wipes her eyes and I hug her even more. "Mai, if they're mean to you, then don't talk to them. You can stay home tomorrow if you want." She looks up at me with hopeful eyes. "Please?" I nod, she squeezes me tighter, "Thank you, Mommy!"

*time skip to 8:35*

Mai sits on the floor of the living room, playing with all her stuffed animals. I watch the clock, scared because Juuzou still hasn't come home. It's 8:35 and he was supposed to come home an hour ago. "Mommy?" Mai's voice brings me back to reality, I turn to look at her. "When is Daddy coming home?" I sigh, "I don't know, Mai... But it is almost time to go take a bath." Mai groans, annoyed. I giggle and pick her up. "Come on, Daddy wants to see you clean." She giggles and smiles, "Ok, Mommy." I walk into the bathroom with her and turn on the water, making sure it's not to hot or to cold. Once done I turn to Mai. I help her get undressed and help her into the tub. I wash her hair and help her bath. I kiss her forehead and leave to let her play for a little.

I sit back down on the couch and look at the front door. Where is he? I look up at the clock once again, 8:45. I sigh knowing he is probably in a fight with a ghoul. I'm worried though, it doesn't take him long to kill.

I look down at my feet, then a sound that is like music to my ears goes off. A click. The door's unlocked. I turn to it and it opens to show Juuzou covered in blood. I run to him and hug him. "Don't scare me like that..." I mumble into his chest. "(Y/n), I'm sorry I worried you. I was killing an S rated ghoul~!" I look at him concerned, "Well, are you ok?" He nods and kisses me. I giggle, "I missed you. Mai's in the bath, she's just playing for a little." He nods and pulls away, "I should probably go get one myself~" He giggles. I nod as he walks away, "Oh! What was it you wanted to tell me this morning?" I freeze, the pregnancy test, right. Great, I totally forgot! "Oh! Um... Uh...-" He walks back up to me and kisses me. I feel his hand slip into my pocket, where I slipped the test into so no one would know about it. He pulls it out and looks at it, as I look down at my feet. "(Y/n), why didn't-" I hug him tightly, "I wanted to, I did. But you needed to go to work." He pulls me closer to him. "It's ok, (y/n)! I understand! You didn't want me to worry me before I went to work. I love you, (y/n). I always will. I'm happy we will have a baby, one we have together. I mean, we do have Mai, but you know what I mean." I nod, "A child of our own." I look up at him. He smiles childishly, "Mhmm~! Well, I'm going to go get ready for bed. You go get Mai." I nod as he walks up the stairs to our bedroom. I sigh, but it also could be Uta's. I shack my head and walk into the bathroom where Mai is.

"Come on, Mai. Time to get out." I smile at her. She frowns up at me, "But I don't want to-" She interrupts herself with a yawn. I giggle, "Come on." I help her out and dry her off. I wrap the child-sized, Monokuma towel around her and pull the hoody over her head. I pick her up and carry her tired body up stairs. I sit her on the floor in her room, and go through her drawers (Is that correct??!!!!). I pull her Monomi footy pajamas with a hoody attached to it (Picture above!!). Just as I walk up to her Juuzou walks in and Mai runs to him, "Daddy!!" Juuzou smiles at the small Monokuma in front of him, "Why did you even buy these for her?" I frown, "Don't judge what I like. Monokuma and Monomi are adorable characters! Danganronpa is a great show!" Juuzou laughs as I defend myself. "I like them! And especially Monokuma!" She point to the stuffed bear that looks exactly like Monokuma. We laugh and Juuzou sets her on her bed. I walk up to her as Juuzou covers his eyes. I help her get dressed and she grabs her bear. "Now I'm Monomi! And this is Monokuma!" She smiles. I giggle at her playfulness. I pick her up and walk around the bed, before falling on it with her. Juuzou smiles before joining us. He sits on the bed in front of us. "Daddy!" Mai beams before tackling him down. I giggle as he starts to tickle her. " Ok, ok. Time for bed, Mai." I smile. She frowns and so does Juuzou. "You two are children!" I smile at them. "But I am a child, Mommy!" Mai smiles. "Ok, what your excuse?" I look over at Juuzou. "I'm child-ISH!" He says the 'ish' part louder then the rest." I laugh and tuck Mai into bed. "Night, Mai." I kiss her forehead. "Night, Mommy..." She responds with a small yawn. "Sweet dreams, Mai~" Juuzou kisses the tip of her nose. "Night night, Daddy~" Mai mumbles before drifting off to sleep. I shut the door behind Juuzou and we walk down the hall to our room.

"Well, I'm going to bed," Juuzou yawns, "You coming?" I nod and change into my pajamas that consists of one of Juuzou's tank tops and some pajama shorts. I walk over to Juuzou, who is laying in bed, and slip into bed with him before snuggling into his chest. "I love you." I mumble. "I love you, too, (y/n)." Juuzou smiles. He kisses me good night before we drift off to sleep in each other's arms.

So this is my path of life?

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