Chapter 12: Mai's Kagune

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Sorry for so many time jumps, I'm trying to get a little in time. Mai's still five, twins are three.
Mai's POV

It's been a few months less than a year since I was hurt. Mommy and Daddy were worried, so was Uta, the twins were too. It made me happy to know that. Also Nao was too. I am really happy about that! He's my crush after all.

I look around the corner to see the twins on the couch, napping. I walk in slowly and sprint my way into the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab me a water. I run back to my room and sit down. I open the water and take a swig. The water helps with my dry mouth and throat. I screw back on the cap and sit it on my night stand. I lay down and pull the covers over me.

"Night, Daddy..." I mumble before falling asleep.

I wake up to my mom.

"Mai, sweetheart, it's time to get up. You said you wanted to go see Daddy at work before school." She tells me, I nod and get up. She laid out an outfit for me (pic above her outfit). I put it all on and run down stairs. Mommy turns to me as I grab my bag, "Have a great day, Mai!" She calls to me. I nod,

"Bye, Mommy! Oh!" I run into the room and kiss the twins on their forehead then hug Mommy. "Love you!" I yell and sprint out the door.

I walk down the roads to the CCG building. I notice Daddy outside with Grandpa. I run up and tackle him in a hug.

"Daddy!" I cheer. He picks me up and smiles,

"Morning, Mai!" I notice a group come up to us, Uncle Kaneki is one, well not really him, but his body.

"Suzuya," he says. Daddy looks up and smiles,

"Hello, Haise~!" Daddy cheers. I smile at Kaneki.

"Who's little girl is this?" One of the others ask.

"Oh! This is my daughter, Mai!! Isn't she adorable!!" He pinches my cheek with one hand. I giggle.

"Daddy!!! Stop!!!" I laugh. He frowns but stops and sits me on one arm.

"What ya need, Haise?" He asks Kenaki's body.

"Well, I was going to ask about Agari's Rabbit (AYATO!!!!!! MA SWEET INO - well not really innocent - BABY!!!)." Daddy nods and sits me down,

"Shinohara~san, can you watch her please?" He asks Grandpa. Grandpa nods.

"Sure! Come on, Mai!" He picks me up onto his shoulders. I giggle,

"Ok, Grandpa!" I cheer. He starts to run around a little. I giggle. I notice the boy(?) that asked Daddy who I was watching us, he has a smile on his face. I look down at Grandpa, "Grandpa? Who's that?" He looks over to the boy.

"Oh! That's Tooru Mutsuki. He's a nice man! (HE DOESNT KNOW!!!!! XD)" I nod at Grandpa's response and he sits me down. I can tell by the shape of his body, Miss Tooru isn't a boy at all. (Good job, Baby girl!!! Btw I meant to have it say 'Miss') I run up to her and smile,

"Hello! My names Mai, what's yours?" I ask, trying to act like I don't already know.

O-Oh! Um, my names Tooru Mutsuki. Nice to meet you, Mai." I smile and grab her hand,

"Can we play?" I ask. She glances over to Daddy and the others,

"Sure! I don't see why not!" I pull her a little ways away from them and we play tag. After a bit I tap her shoulder and she comes closer to me.

"I know you're not a boy, I can tell!" I whisper to her. She looks at me and smiles slightly.

"H-H-How did you know??!" She starts to freak out.

"I know because it's easy, your body shape can't change, your waist is smaller than theirs." I point to the boys and Daddy. "Well, not much smaller than Daddy's... he has a small body..." I pull my finger away. She giggles slightly. I smile and pull her into a hug, she hugs me back. "Your hugs are similar to Mommy's hugs! It's calming!" I tell her. She smiles,

"Who is your Mommy?" She asks. I look up at her.

"Oh, she's at home with my baby brothers, they're twins! They love to play!" I giggle. She smiles.

"Well that's nice that you have siblings."

I nod just before another voice calls us.

"Mai! Shouldn't you be getting to school soon?" Daddy calls out to me. I gasp and run up to him he catches me, spins us around three times, sits me back down and I run off.

"I love you, Daddy!! Love you, Grandpa!!! Have a great day!!" I yell and turn the corner. I make it to school on time.

After school and my clubs, also ice skating practice, (I started watching Yuri!!! On Ice, ok!!?? DONT JUDGE ME!!! T-T) I run my way home. It's raining and already turning night. I keep running until I hear people talking.

"Leave him alone!" It was a woman's voice. Maybe a little younger than Mommy. I run down the corner and see a young man, possibly 21(?). A young woman, possibly 20(?) (Im adjusting their ages slightly to help me not feeling weird about their ages), crowded down near him. I notice the group of, what looks to be investigators, there with their weapons. I sniff the air for the two's sent, ghouls. My eyes widen and I quickly run in front of them,

"It's rude to hurt civilians!" I yell at the group of men. They all laugh.

"Kid, go home. You don't know what they are!" One yells to me.

"No. You don't!" The man gets frustrated and slaps me straight across my face,

"That's what you get, now leave before you get it worse!" I feel my eyes watering.

I feel something stabbing at my back, also on my shoulder blades. I get up and they shoot out of my body. What looks like skin wings and powerful flashy electricity wings shoot from my shoulders, and armlike things, that are the same as the skin looking wings, shoot from my waist. I wipe the tear from my eye and glare at them. All of a sudden the powerful flash electricity wings harden and shoot crystals at them all. My eyes widen. There like Aunt Touka's! I finish off the men and stand there. My eyes get heavy. I turn to the two ghouls. Their eyes are wide but the girl looks like she just found something she lost. I feel heavy and my eyes start to shut. I slowly fall to the floor, but I don't meet impact. The woman had dropped the man slightly and caught me. The man caught himself and looked more worried about me than himself. He looks up at the woman.

"We need to take her back to Aogiri, Hina." He tells her. The woman nods,

"Alright, Ayato."

Short chapter I know, but I was trying to put it up fast, my friend Emilee, she reads this book and she was telling me that she was mad because this story was on her NEW PART thingy and she went to see what was new, but nothing was. She was pissed so here ya go Emi and other readers of this book. I appreciate you all more than I can show. I'll work on the next chapter after I post something else. My other friend Fish is pissing me off about it, need to post that for him, then continue this, I got a list of things I need to do!! I ALSO WANT TO READ GUYS!!!! Anyways hope you enjoyed, please don't hate me for a shorty. I'm very sorry.


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