Chapter 10: The Babies!?

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After birth... I don't want to go through that thing.

Your POV

I pick up my two year old toddler, Akihiko. He is trying to get to the ledge of the counter I have him sitting on.

"Aki, no. No down." I tell him. He pouts at me. I sigh and sit him on the floor. Kiroki sits in the living room with Mai, playing paddy-cake.

"Mai, can you watch Aki, also. I'm almost down with my work." I call to her. She just turned seven two months ago and are like a second mother to her brothers.

"Yeah!" She runs in and crouches down to the small child. Akihiko's arms fly out to his big sister and he whines lightly. I giggle as she smiles and picks him up off the floor. She walks back over to Kiroki and sits Akihiko down next to his twin brother.

"Hey, Mommy, how many more days till they're three?" She asks. I tap my chin for a second.

"Hmm, I think we have until Thursday, next week." I tell her. She smiles and plops down next to her little brothers, "Why do you ask?" I ask.

She looks over at me, "I want to see Daddy and Uta again, we haven't since my birthday. I also want to see these little goofballs grow." She tickles the two boys and they collapse on their backs giggling like little girls. I smile as my kids play around. The memory of when the two were born come into my mind.


I lay in the hospital bed, holding my newborn twins after just giving birth. The boys are outside with the Doctor. Akihiko tries to squirm out of my arms as his Ghoul eyes come out. I start to freak out and hold him close.

"It's ok, Aki. Mommy's here." I whisper to the just born child. Kiroki starts to cry lightly, ghoul eyes showing also, and I hold him close to me, too. "I know you two are hungry, but you can't eat right now..." I try to calm them.

Akihiko and Kiroki grab each other's hands tightly and calm down. I notice their eyes slowly fade back to normal. I sigh and look up to see Juuzou.

"Why are they like that?!" He yells. They start to cry again and I look down at them.

"Juuzou, please. Not now." I try to bring him to quiet down, while trying to stop the two crying babies in my arms. He glares at them.

"Why are they ghouls!?" He yells again, not helping the situation.

"Juuzou-." I try.

"(Y/n), their not one eyed so they are a full ghoul. So, both parents are ghouls! Explain!" I look down at the two now calming children, and sigh.

"I'm a ghoul, Juuzou. So is Uta, and Mai. And now Aki and Kiro." I notice him glare at me. "I'm sorry, Juuzou. I didn't want you to hurt Mai, or me. And when I found out about them, I didn't know how I would tell you!" I was now crying. I hold my two babies close to me and cuddle them. Juuzou's eyes soften and he walks up to me.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I'm just... I'm an investigator. I kill ghouls, and to find out that my whole family are ghouls, it's a lot to take in. I'm sorry that I hurt you." I look up at him and he pulls me and the babies into a hug, just when Uta and Mai walk in. Mai runs up to us and climbs on to the bed.

"Mommy, how long will it take until they are old enough to play with?" (By the way, Mai is five here.) she asks. I giggle.

"They have to be a good bit older until they can play, Mai." I tell her.

She pouts slightly and Uta sits on the foot of the bed and Mai sits on his lap, watching the newborns sleep. Juuzou sits on the other side and him and Uta share a glance.

"Mai, can you go stand outside?" Uta asks. She nods and walks out, shutting the door behind her.

Juuzou sighs, "(y/n), you have to choose, now. Either way, Uta will get his kids, and I'll get  to see Mai." I nod and look down at the two.

"I'll figure it out when they are a little older, Uta will be their dad though, I do want that. Juuzou, you will still be Mai's dad. Those thoughts I am one hundred percent sure about." I tell them. They nod and smile.

"We can deal with that." Uta smiles. I smile back and look down at the two.

"Do you want to hold them, Uta?" I ask. He looks up at me and a HUGE smile forms on his face. I pass him Kiroki first, then Akihiko. He holds them like they are glass dolls. I smile. "Don't be scared, Uta." I tell him. He fixes the position of them and cradles both of their heads in the crock of his elbow. I watch as they sleep in his arms.

"Oh, can Mai come back in now?" I ask. They nod and Juuzou walks out to get her. They walk back in the next minute and Mai walks up to Uta with the twins.

"They're so small~." She coos. I giggle and pat the seat next to me, she sits down and gets under the covers with me.

"Are you exited to have some brothers?" I ask. She looks up at me.

"If it mean that I can play rough with them when their older, yes." She smiles. I chuckle and tackle her into a hug. She leans on me and Uta passes me Kiroki. I sit him in Mai's arms and shakily holds him. He starts to whine slightly.

"Mai, you need to stop shaking." I lay my hand on her arm. She stops and looks up at me.

"I just am scared I'll drop him..." she looks back down at her new baby brother. A small smile forms on her face as he reaches up to her nose and grabs it lightly. She giggles.

End of Flashback!!!

I finish my work and walk over to the three children.

"Mommy, when are you going to pick?" Mai asks me. I frown at her question, "Mai, you know I love them both. And I love you three more than anything, but I need to get my priorities straight, and those priorities are you three. I want them both to be apart of all of our lives." I explain to a SEVEN YEAR OLD. She gets it though. She smiles.

"Ok, Mommy. I just wanted to know what you were thinking. I wish you didn't think of our needs first all the time though. I want you to be happy, and I know they do too." She looks down at her brothers. They crawl over to me and I pull them onto my lap. Mai scoots close as well and I pull her to me as well.

"I love you three, more than anything or anyone. You know that, right?" The boys look up at me with big smiles and Mai smiles at me too. I kiss their foreheads and cuddle up to them tightly.

Noticed I spelled Kiroki's name like Hiroki the whole time during the flashback, sorry about that.
If any of you guys are confused, you are about 22 in this chapter. I skipped to a few years to speed up to good parts. I'm trying to help myself with this chapter. I hope you all liked it. Also doing updates more recently because I'm trying to make up for how long I have been gone... love you all!!!


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