Chapter 15: Aki's Secret

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Walking to school with my brother has always been a great enjoyment for me since I was younger. The thing is, when he told me of a girl in his class that he liked, I couldn't help but get jealous. It was like something in my heart just broke. It was weird.

My mom said it was just my want to protect him, since I was technically older than him by a few minutes, but I never was pleased with it. My sister, Mai, suggested it was just my want to be with him, and seeing him be happy around another person made me sad, that also wasn't it.

I went and talked to one of our close friends about it. A girl we have known since we were little. Leena, an American girl that moved to Japan with her parents after her 4th birthday. She said that she thinks I like my own brother. And when I say like I don't mean as a family member, I mean more than that. She thinks I'm gay and love my brother in a romance way. The thing was, I couldn't bring myself to tell her wrong. Something in me told me she was right, maybe that was it.

Of course I dismissed it.

But even so, it wasn't long until I noticed Hiro giving weird looks to Mai's boyfriend, Leena's older brother, Gabe. He was always all over her, Hiro even stoped talking to the girl he liked.

After about a month of this, he beat Gabe up. He said he got to close to her. Mai didn't talk to him for a week. It's been a month since then.

"Aki, coffee is ready." Mai tells me from my doorframe, I nod and close my journal, no not diary, journal, it's more manly. I walk downstairs and see her lay two mugs at our seats. Mai looked uncomfortable, and even scared. I lay my hand on her shoulder.

"You ok, sis?" I ask her. She nods.

"Just a little shaky..." she tells me. I nod and let her get on with her day. Hiro walks into the door.

"I'm home!" He calls. Mai smiles towards him.

"Welcome back, Hiro." I greet my twin.

"Hey, Aki, I wanted to ask you if I could borrow a sketchbook. I asked Dad to teach me art so maybe we can take over his shop when he's gone." He says, it was casual which was weird. Talking about Dad and saying he won't be here one day is a thought I never liked.

"Yeah, I'll go get you one." I tell him, walking up to my room. I find a blank sketchbook and hand it to him.

"Thanks!" He yells to me, running into his room.


XD I'm so sorry, I got lazy again, but my new year resolution is to write more! Especially on here! On Wattpad in general! I haven't been writing for a while, mostly for myself and my teachers, I actually just started high school in August so I've been stressing over school a lot. I'm trying to come up with things to write about for this story, but I keep running out of ideas or even time to write them down, like with this chapter, half of it was actually written a year ago... by like 13 almost 14 me, while 15 year old me finished it. So sorry if it doesn't flow well. Tell me what you think! I felt bad for not writing here for a while because of a friend. Props to her for keeping these stories alive honestly, she's not even the one writing!!!
- Miachan910

(Am I growing up? I almost put just 'Mia')

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