Chapter 2: The Mask Maker

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(Y/n)'s pov
I walk down the street wasting time until Touka is off work, which is only a good, long, 30 minutes and 3 hours away, sadly. Greaaaat........ Welp, what should I do until I have to go back? Uhhh... I look up and down the stores until a store catchy my eye, 'Fandom' (Love that store so dang much!!! Best store ever!!!! Also the picture is of just a few things in Fandom!!). I walk in and see a whole bunch of anime stuff!!! This is my store!!!! I love anime, and I will come here more often now! I walk straight over to the anime section and look at all the cute Vocaloid and Attack On Titan stuff they have. I swear I am fangirling way to much!

*Mini time skip*

I look down at my phone to see the time, I only have a 5 minutes to get back to Anteiku!!?? I spent that much time in this one store!!?? How the heck!!?? I sprint out the door to Anteiku as fast as possible. I run down the streets and allies as quickly as I can. I finally make it to the coffee shop with 2 minutes to spare. I walk in, my heart beating at a fast pace from all the running. I walk up to Touka and smile, "I'm back!" She looks up from drying her last mug, "Good! I only have to put this up and clock out and then we can go!" She smiles back. She puts the mug away and goes to the back to clock out. After a minute she comes back out in her everyday clothes, we walk out the door and head to this mask shop.

*time skip* (because I'm lazy!)

We walk down this really long staircase, Touka in front of me. Once at the bottom she stops in front of a large door. She slowly opens the door and strolls in with me fallowing suit. She starts looking around for something, or someone. I turn to her confused, "Touka, what is this guys name?" She turns to me and speaks, "Uta." I nod as she continues to call his name trying to find him. I look around at all the different masks on display and look over to the stand with a sheet covering it. I slowly walk over and lift the sheet to find a young man that looks to be in his early twenties (I guess, I tried to find his age but nothing said it... Sorry). "Boo..." He speaks, his voice sound really nice to- wait... WHAT!!!!!! I just stare at him confused until he pushes the sheet completely off of his form and climbs down. I look him over to notice he has black hair and almost half of his head shaved off, it makes him look hot! NO (Y/N) STOP!!!! YOU LIKE THAT OTHER GUY!!! I turn to Touka and she looks at the guy, "Hey, Uta." So this is Uta, the mask maker.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating this story for a really long time, I have been busy with school and stuff and haven't had a time to write. But I started this chapter a really long time ago I just never finished it until now. Please don't hate me! I like this story so far, and considering my first story didn't last to the second chapter... Yeah, I just wasn't that happy with it so I deleted it. But if you guys like this please comment on what you want your mask to look like, it will be made from Uta him self! Yaaaaaay!!!!!! But seriously tell me in the comments!!!

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