Chapter 9: Who's is it?

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You're eight months along now. Mai knows and is ecstatic. Also your POV.
Mai and I sit on the couch, her ear up on my stomach as we watch TV. Juuzou walks through the door from work and Mai gets up and runs to him.

"Daddy!" She cheers. I giggle and make my way up to them. Juuzou smiles at my abdomen and kisses me lightly as a hello.

"Are you ok?" He asks me. I nod in response and Mai giggles. We look down at her and she hugs us both.

"Mai, I think it's time for a bath." I tell her. She groans in annoyance but goes anyway.

"Did you tell him?" Juuzou asks. I sigh.

"No. I don't know if I can."

"You can, I know it. You just have to trust yourself." Juuzou hugs me. "I know you want him to be in his life, (y/n)." He finishes.

"I do. I want him to, but..." I sigh again, "I don't think he wants to." Juuzou smiles lightly and kisses my cheek.

"I'll watch Mai for the next two hours. You go tell him."

I look over at him, "Juuzou, now you are insane." I  giggle lightly, "Fine. I'll go tell him."

I walk out of the house and down to the mask shop where it all started. I notice the door open and push it open a little more to look in. There was Uta talking to someone I remember from work.

"Yomo..." I mumble. I notice him start to head for where I am and I hide out of the way. He walks out and up the stairs.

"Hey, (y/n)." Uta speaks, making me jump slightly.

"Hey, Uta, um..." I start. He looks up at me and makes that dump cute wide eyed stare (If you haven't noticed, I love this stare to death. It kills me every time I see it). I bit my lip lightly. "You know I'm pregnant, well..."

He stops me, "What about it?" I look down at my feet.

"The doctors took a blood test and found out the father..." (I don't know how it works exactly, I know a lot of girls wait till the baby is born but I wanted to let you all know who's it is... DRAMA!!!! I LIVE FOR IT!!) His eyes widen slightly.

"Who's?" I look up at him, slight worry in my eyes.


Stitches and Tattoos (Uta X reader X Juuzou) Where stories live. Discover now