Chapter 8: Will She Ever Love Me Again?

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This chapter at the end is told in Uta's point of view, I'll say when I change it, just saying.

After getting home Mai and I are hugs instantly as we open the door, "Where were you two!?" Juuzou says, worry written all over his face. I smile lightly, "Sorry, Juuzou, we went shopping today and I got her some new clothes, on the way home we got-." He cuts me off, "WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN BLOOD, (Y/N)!!!???" He pulls us inside and slams the door shut. "Juuzou, calm down." I lay my hand on his shoulder. "I was just getting to that, on the way home we were attacked by a ghoul." I explain, he looks even more furious. "WHY DIDN'T YOU EVER CALL ME BACK!!?? I WOULD HAVE RIPPED THAT MONSTER LIMB FROM LIMB!" If only he knew that's what I did, I from slightly, "Juuzou, I did try to call you, you just didn't pick up." I explain. He sighs, "I'm sorry for yelling." He glances down at Mai and I notice his eyes widen, I look down and notice a deep cut on her leg. "Mai!" I quickly pick her up and take her to the couch. I lean in to her ear and whisper, "I know it hurts, sweetie, but it will heal in an hour or so." I comfort her. Mai still hasn't had her Kagune yet, which is honestly a good think, for Juuzou's sake. She nods slightly. She whimpers as Juuzou cleans it. She holds my hand as he bandages it up. "Take her to bed." He tells me. I look over at him, worry in my eyes. He sounded different, like, Ghoul killer Juuzou. It scared me when he was like this. "D-Daddy?" Mai reaches for his hand. He moves just before she could grab it. "Sorry, Mai." He kisses her forehead and wipes away the tears on her rosy cheeks. I smile, "Come on, Mai." I pick her up after he moves away from her small child form.

I carry her to her room, bridal-style, and lay her on her bed. I change her into pjs and tuck her under the covers. "Mommy, what's wrong with Daddy?" She asks me. I smile, "You know, Daddy doesn't like it when you or me are hurt." I explain, "It's makes him mad." I finish. She nods and soon falls asleep.

I walk back out into the hall and see the balcony door open. I walk out to see Juuzou having clinched fists. I walk up and hug him from behind. "She's fine, Juuzou, that's all that matters." I tell him. He sighs. "Ok, but what if she's not? I can't live with myself knowing she's hurt because I wasn't there!" I sigh, "Juuzou-." "No!" He cuts me off, "I wasn't there to protect her, to protect you. I'm the worst when it comes to my family!" I force him to turn to me, "Juuzou, you're not the worst! I love you, Mai loves you. I know you're mad about her getting hurt, but you can't blame yourself for it. It was my fault, ok? I let her get hurt with out realizing, I-I could have stoped it!" At this point I was crying. My face falls to the floor as I cry. Juuzou pulls me to him in a warm embrace. "It's not your fault." He comforts me, "I-It is! I could have stoped it!" I am right though, I could have. Now that I think about it, when I dodged that guy's attack I heard a slight hiss come from behind me, but I payed no mind to it, but now I know it was from Mai, it was when she got hurt. If I didn't dodge it would have hit me instead of her. "No. It's ok. You both are fine, you're right, (y/n), that's all that matters." (AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!)

*Month later*
Uta's point of view

I sit around my mask shop, it's been three weeks now since (y/n)'s visit with Mai. I had Mai's head measurements already and have been working on her mask. I don't want anything dark and moody for her, she's to innocent for that. I want her's to be cheerful, colorful, playful. She told me that her favorite animals are Monokuma and Monomi. She said that she would love it to be themed around them in a way, but if not, she would still love t no matter what it looks like. That's one of my favorite things about Mai. Honestly, I think (y/n) is where she got that from, she's like that herself sometimes. She's just grateful for anything.

I look down at the mask as I finish it. It looks exactly to Monokuma. I smile slightly as I remember the time I spent with Mai when she was a little younger. (Y/n) would always smile when Mai would play with the masks in my shop. It makes me happy, remembering those memories. It's one thing I will never forget about them.

I hang the mask up on my wall and head up to my room. I lay on the bed and sigh. I miss them. Mai would lay in the middle when they stayed over and (y/n) would be one the other side. We were happy, until I had to leave to see the Clowns. I sigh again.

"You'll get grey hair if you sigh like that, Uta." I hear a voice. I look around and notice nothing. I lay back and cover myself in the blankets., only to fall asleep in a few minutes.

Uta's Dream, his POV

I wake up to the sound of rain. Mai lays next to me, wait, why is Mai here? I notice (y/n) next to her. Just like it used to be. I notice her mumble in her sleep. Her eyes open a moment later and she catches my eyes. She was younger, her hazel eyes still filled with bright love. I smile at her slightly. (Y/n) looks down at Mai and smiles.

"She will always sleep late, won't she?" She asks, giggling lightly. I remember this day, it was a moody day, a sad day, it lived up to its presence. I sigh.

"You'll get grey hair if you sigh like that, Uta." (Y/n) giggles. Mai moves around a little and flutters her eyes open.

"What time is it?" She asks.

Like that wretched day, I check the time and tell her,  "11:45am, Mai. Don't worry, that day isn't gone." I beam. She smiles and turns to (y/n).

"Can we go get something to eat at Anteiku?" She asks. (Y/n) nods.

"Go get dressed and we will." She tells her. Mai runs off to get ready. All a sudden, my phone starts ringing, like it did.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Uta, we need help! Now!" It was the Clowns.

"I'll see when I can get there." I mumble.

"No, not when, now! Uta, we need help." I sigh.

"Fine." He hangs up.

"Who was it?" (Y/n) asks me.

"The Clowns, they need me for something." I say. She nods but grabs my arm before I could get up.

"For how long or you going to be gone?" She asks. I look at my phone time and do some estimation.

"If it's something big I could be gone for a long time, months is not a question." I tell her. She nods and lets go.

"I just, don't want you to leave. Mai needs a figure as a dad, she's to you-." She starts, only to get cut off.

"Then find one." As soon as I said that I regretted it. My love's eyes were shocked, but also saddened.

"Uta..." she mumbles and I just sigh again.

"I should go." I tell her and walk out of the shop.

Dream End

I wake up, only to realize I have once again let her down, not only real life but in a dream as well now.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I'm so sorry..." I cover my mouth and eyes with my arms, tears fighting to come out. "You never deserved that! Will you ever love me again?"

Hey, sorry for some slow updates. I'm trying to write more often and I'm just having to think of something that can fit in well. It's more difficult with school lately, we had two snow days so we were packed with work. Also I'm just a HUGE procrastinator. Sorry again for slow updates. I know you all waited forever for the last one so I tried to post this one a few days after. Hope you enjoyed it!


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