Chapter 11: Nao Kaneki??

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Picture is so you have a idea of age.
I pick up the crying toddler, Kiroki. His (e/c) eyes are glossy and his (h/c) is a mess. I run my fingers through his hair to gently untangle it. He starts to calm down some. I smile and pull him to my chest.

"It's ok, Kiro. It's ok." I coo in his ear. His eyes start to close again and he slowly drifts into sleep. I take him into a cradle hold, and I lay him in his small bed. He curls into a ball on one side and I cover him in the sheets and duvet. I look over to Akihiko, he's asleep peacefully and cuddling the stuffed Totoro. He cuddles that thing every night. He's like Mai with her Monokuma. He's so sweet with everyone and well behaved, while Kiroki is the stubborn but kind child.

I walk out of their room and walk back to my own. I run into a sleepy Mai in the kitchen.

"What are you doing up, sleepyhead?" I ask her. She smiles at me.

"Sorry, Mommy. I was just thirsty." She yawns. I giggle.

"Go back to bed, Mai. I'll get you some water." She nods and walks back to her room. I open the cabinet and pull out a glass. I fill it with water and head to Mai's room. When I walk in, I see her laying in bed, half asleep.

"Mai~?" I coo quietly, as to not scare her. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Thank you." She beams as I pass her the fresh glass of water. "Mommy?" She asks.


"I'm not doing that well. Can I stay home tomorrow? I can help with the boys!" She begs. I smile, she doesn't look to good. It makes me worried.

"Of course, Mai. Now just get some rest." I kiss her forehead. She slowly falls asleep and I leave her room to go to my own. I lay in bed and with Juuzou's arms were wrapped around me, but also that Uta was kissing my forehead, telling me it was ok. I miss both. I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up to my sheets being pulled. I open my eyes to see Akihiko and Kiroki standing at the edge of the bed, trying to climb up. I smile and sit up to help them up.

"Good morning, boys." I nuzzle them. They giggle cutely. I climb out of bed and carry them to the kitchen. I sit them in their high chairs and make breakfast, of course you know what that is... flesh. I sit their plates in front of them and notice that Mai isn't up. "That's weird, Mai's always up at this time." I sit our plates at the table and walk up to her door. I knock.

"Mai?" I call.


"Mai?" I call again, "are you up?"

Nothing. I open the door and see a pail Mai on the floor. Blankets scattered around her.

"Mai!" I run over to her and lay her back in bed, "Mai, oh my god, please open your eyes!" I order her. Her eyes slowly open.

"Mommy...?" She coughs. Relief hits me.

"Oh my god, sweetheart!" I pull her into a hug.

"Mommy? Please, help. It hurts." She points to her side. I pull up her pj shirt, a huge gash, cuts, she has it all. My eyes widen.

"Mai, how did you get that?" I ask. She shrugs,

"All I did was wake up." Her voice is scratchy, her hair's a mess. I quickly grab the phone on her dresser, and I punch in Juuzou's number. "Mommy?" I look down at her as the phone is at my ear.

"What is it, Mai." I ask.

"I don't feel good. I feel light headed. Am I going to die?" She asks. I shack my head violently,

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