Chapter 13: Mai's Past

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Mai's POV

I wake up, only to find myself in a room. I look around and see the walls are a light grey and the floor is concrete, there is only one window. I hear a click and the door to the room opens. I look over to see the two lovers from earlier walk into the room.

"You're awake." The male speaks, bluntly. All I can think about is Aunt Touka when I was younger.

"Ayato, don't be so rude!" The young woman yells at the man. He looks over at her, then back to me.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"M-Mai..." I tell him. He looks back over to the woman.

"Hina, go get Eto." He tells her. She looks at him like he was crazy.

"Ayato, I'm not leaving this little girl with you!"

"Go, Hinami!" He points to the door. She sighs and walks up to me. She leans down and hugs me.

"Be good, don't let him push you to say something you don't want to. Ok?" She tells me. I nod and hug back.

"Thank you, Miss."

"Call me Hinami! Or Hina. Either is fine, Mai." She pulls away and kisses my forehead. She walks up to Ayato and kisses his cheek, "treat her with respect, Ayato." And with that she walks out of the room to go get this person, Eto.

"Ok, now that she's gone I can actually talk to you. I know you were adopted, I can tell on your face you've seen things that no one at your age needs to worry about. What was your last name before you were adopted?" He asks me. My eyes widen and I look down at my feet.

"Kojaki." I tell him. His eyes widen. He looks as if he's found what he has been looking for. I feel bad.

"K-Kojaki...? No. That's not even possible." He explains.

"But... that was my last name. Kojaki Mai, my full name." He runs to the door and runs out in a speed only Touka could have done.

"HINA!" I hear him yell for Miss Hinami.

"What do you want, Ayato!!!??" I hear her yell back.

"It's HER!!!!!" The next thing I know Hinami and Ayato are right in front of me. I look at them confused, Hinami just stares at me like I'm a lost puppy. All of a sudden, she hugs me.

"M-Miss Hinami...?" I ask, conversion drenched in my voice. I feel drips of water hit my head lightly, she's crying, but... why? I look up at her and tilt my head.

"You don't know how long we've been searching for you!!" She kisses my head and pulls me into another hug. "A-Ayato, its her! It's our Mai!!" She squeezes me. My eyes widen. Our Mai? What does she-? Wait. Are they...? I mean, my old parents looked nothing like me. Was I adopted twice?? Omg.

"Are you two... my parents???" I ask. Hinami nods and Ayato smiles.

"Wait Uncle Ayato?????" I ask confused.

"Umm... hi, and this is weird now." He mumbles the last part.

"Ayato! Mai, please forgive him. He's a bit rude."

"He didn't do anything, Miss Hinami. It's fine." I tell her. She smiles and nods.

"Well, we'll let you rest up, now. Alright? If you need anything just call for me." She says happily and kisses my head lovingly, before getting up and walking towards the door with Ayato. She acts like she's known me my whole life, I mean, I thought I was originally from a different family. I want to know what happened!

"Wait! Why did you give me up? Was I not what you two wanted?" Hinami looks as if her heart broke in two at my words. She sits on the bed next to me and Ayato sat on my other side.

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