Chapter 14: Golden Days

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Akihiko and Hiroki
(Y/n)'s POV
It's been about five years since Mai found her real parents. It surprised me when I saw my best friend's little brother and Hinami be her parents. Things haven't changed, even though Mai is twelve and the twins are seven. They are all still playful with each other.

I had down stairs to find the twins watching tv and Mai getting some meat from the secret stash.

"Morning, Mom!" She cheers.

"Morning, Mai! Hey, I have-"

"Work at 7:00? I know. You told me last night. Also it's 6:45, so you might want to head out, I'll take the twins to school, don't worry." She surprises me.

"Wow, good job, Mai! I didn't think you remembered so I was going to remind you."

"I always remember, you also said you wouldn't be back home until 9:30 tonight." I smirk at her memory.

"Keep it up, you'll go places with a memory like that." She smiles and cuts up the meat into small pieces before dividing it on three separate plates evenly.

"Well," I walk behind the counter and kiss her forehead. "I'm going to go, like you told me to. I love you."

"Love you, too!" She giggles.

"I love you, boys! Be good for your sister! She's in charge until I get home tonight!"

"Yeah yeah!" Ali yells back.

"Ok, love you, Mom!" Kiroki calls out. I start for the door but get stoped, "Wait!" I turn to see Hiroki standing there. He hugs me tightly before mumbling something very quietly.

"What was that, Kiroki?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing! Sorry. Bye!" And with that he runs back into the living room, but before he can Mai hands him two of the plates.

"Go eat with Aki." She tells him. He nods and runs off. I look at her, she just shrugs. I shrug back and leave the house, heading to Re.

Re was actually really busy today. Many people came in during the morning. By the time work was over, I had five guys ask me out, flirt with me, try to sexually harass me. Oh hell no.

I walk home, and unlock the door. Walking in and locking it back.

"Mai!" I call out to her. No reply, most likely fell asleep. I walk into the kitchen and sit my stuff down. I head upstairs and throw on my pjs before hopping into bed, life has been really good to me. Nothing bad as happened in a while...

And with that i drift into a deep slumber...

Please read:
Ok, I know I suck, and that this is a really short chapter, but I wanted to get something out for the longest time! I've been having writers block with this story for so long! I couldn't write a single word for months without hating it! Please forgive me! I promise the next chapter will be better! I will literally write it now! Just please give me some more time! Again I apologize so much it's not even funny! I'm an awful person for letting you guys wait so long for a crappy upload like this!


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