Chapter 1: Long Time No See

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(Y/n)'s pov
I walk down the streets of Tokyo. I look around trying to find Anteiku, a cafe one of my friends insisted on me going to. I finally spot the cafe and walk inside. I look around, one girl catches my eye, a ghoul. But this wasn't just any ghoul, it was a ghoul with short purple hair, and purple eyes.
12 year old me walks through the park, looking around for someone to play with. I spot a girl with purple hair and purple eyes. I run up to her and tackle her to the ground. "Touka~chan!" I giggle. She smiles and giggles with me, "Kon'nichiwa, (y/n)~chan!"(I tried so hard to fix it, please don't hate me!) I smile back and get up from the ground. I hold out my hand for her and she gladly takes it, "Arigatō!" She beams. I pull her over to the swings and we both start to play.
*End of flashback* (sorry it sucked)
I smile, knowing who it is. "Kirishima Touka!" I beam to her. Touka looks up at me and a small smile forms on her face, "Long time no see, (l/n) (f/n)." I giggle and walk up to her, "So, how have you been these past 7 years?" I ask the younger girl. She shrugs, "Nothing much, but you look like you have been busy." She points to all of my tattoos and (f/c) stitches that decorate my whole body. I smile, "Yeah, since I can't feel pain I gave myself stitches for fun, also I wanted some tattoos too. My favorite tattoos are the ones that look like Henna Tattoos that are on my hands." I hold up my hands to show her the tattoos (picture above, it's on both hands). She nods in agreement. "They are really cool." I smile. "So do you have a mask?" She asks me quietly so no one can hear her except me. I shack my head, "No, I haven't found a good place to get one yet, why?" Her smile grows, "Good, I know a great place to go! Once my shift ends I'll take you there!" I nod, "Ok, sound good." She nods and continues working, as I sit at a table next to the window. The door bell rings signaling someone walking in. I turn to see a boy my age walking in with almost a bob cut white hair and red eyes with bags under them. He looks over at me and I smile. He smiles back as an older looking man walks in behind him. "Shinohara~san~! I want a sandwich~!" He beams/yells out. (I don't know what else for him to say, sorry) The older man, Shinohara smiles at the boy, "Alright, Juuzou. Go take a seat somewhere while I go do something real quick." "Ok~!" Juuzou beams out and runs over to the table next to mine. "Kon'nichiwa~!" He beams at me. I smile, "Kon'nichowa." He smiles and points to my (f/c) stitches, "Those are cool~!" I smile, "Arigatō. I like having them. Same with all my tattoos." Shinohara walks up and smiles at me, "Kon'nichowa, miss." I smile back. "Kon'nichowa, sir." Juuzou steps next to Shinohara, "I see you met my partner, Juuzou." I look over to the boy, "So that is your name," I smile, trying to show I don't know already who they are, "Nice to meet you, Juuzou~kun. Watashi wa (y/n)~chan." (I am (y/n)) "Its a pleasure to meet you, Miss (y/n). My name is Shinohara Yukinori." I nod, "The pleasure is all mine, Yukinori~san." "Please, call me Shinohara." I smile, "Alright, Shinohara~san." Shinohara and Juuzou sit at the table Juuzou was originally sitting at just as a boy with black hair and an eyepatch walks up to me. "Good afternoon, miss. May I take your order?" I nod, "Hai, I'll take a coffee, please," I look at his name tag, "Kaneki?" I ask. He nods and walks off to make my coffee. I pull out my drawing pad and start to draw the cafe. Everywhere I go, I draw the room I'm in for fun. I love to draw. It's one of my passions, I even draw people I meet! I might draw Shinohara~san and Juuzou~kun later... Why not! I will! I continue my drawing until Kaneki comes back. "Here you go." He sets my coffee in front of me. He points to my drawing, "Is that the cafe?" I nod, "Hai, I draw almost everything I see." I skim through the drawing pad, showing him the drawings, one of a couple walking through the park, one of an old woman walking her dog with her grandchild next to her as they walk down the street, one of a nice restaurant with the waiters and waitresses taking orders and giving customers their food, and many others, all very big on details, all done in just pencil. Kaneki stops me on one, the oldest drawing in the pad, the only one with color. I frown, it was a drawing of a little girl that looks about 8 in the corner of a room, her (h/l) (h/c) hair with a (f/c) bow in it covering her face as she sits in a puddle of tears, her long black dress covering her feet as she cries in her knees. A ghost behind her trying to calm her down, the ghost had (m/h/c) and (m/e/c). Her long white dress floating around her as she smiles sadly at the little girl. The room they are in is a dim room with multiple people sitting in seats with a long aisle in between, everyone wearing black, at the end of the aisle was a long but thin white box, one end of the box was open, showing off a young woman with (m/h/c) hair and her eyes closed, a small but sad smile across her face. Kaneki points to the drawing, "Why does this one have color but the others don't?" He asks. I look at it, "Because it's in third person few, all the others aren't." "What do you mean?" "I see everything in color like others do, that is true. But after I drew this everything became slightly darker, until I met Touka~chan at the age of 11. But that didn't last, everything went back to the way it was when I was 12." I answer him. "How did you get the idea?" I sigh and point to the little girl, "That's me," I point to the woman trying to comfort her, "That's my mom well, her ghost." I point over to the box, "and that's her coffin and her lifeless body." Kaneki frowns. "Well I thought this would be a happy drawing but no, it's the saddest one." I smile slightly, "Yeah..." "How old were you when she died?" "8. I got the pad on my 9th birthday, it was the gift she wanted to give me but ya know. This was the first drawing I drew in it."Kaneki nods, "I'm very sorry about your mom, my own mom died when I was a young age too so I understand." I frown up at him, "I'm very sorry to hear that, Kaneki." He shakes his head, "No, it's fine. She's in a better place now, like your mom." I nod and give him 50 yen, he looks at me confused, "Why-" "You need it more than I do!" I smile, forcing him to take the yen. He sighs and takes it, "Arigatō, miss-" "(y/n) (l/n)." He nods, "Arigatō, (y/n)~chan." I nod, "Arigatō for the coffee, Kaneki~kun." I take the last sip of coffee and walk out of the cafe after paying.

Ok this was mainly just to get to know (y/n) and what kind of person she is and a bit of her past, again a bit. This is only the beginning of this story, so I hope you all liked it, sorry if it sucked! Um and yeah!  Sayonara!!


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