2.I Am Nothing Like You

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist

-Central City/Iron Heights Pententairy-

It was quiet for a few seconds between both father and son as Erick did his best to stay calm

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It was quiet for a few seconds between both father and son as Erick did his best to stay calm..before the man he called 'Dad' because in reality he absolutely HATED him, with very cell in his body..the very sight of him made Erick want to just obliterate Eobard to absolutely nothing..and yet he resisted this temptation; because it's like he told XS he was nothing like him..and he'd never will be

Eobard:Your time is limited..

"I know..don't worry it's not like your going anywhere anytime soon"

Erick's gaze is faced to the right as he sees a clock counting down time as he looks back at Eobard

"Or maybe you are..but I need to know, how does it feel knowing everything you've ever worked for, everything bad decision you've ever made coming back to bite you in the ass, hmm?"

Eobard:Your enjoying this aren't you?

"Yeah..I am.."

He didn't have any reason to hide it, why would he? The Reverse Flash has terrorized and destroyed so many people's lives all for his own self ambition, with every death he gained something more and more..a twisted sense of triumph against all of those who would oppose him time and time again

"I know you have to do with something involving XS, during some of our fights she's been more determined to stop me for some reason. She thinks im like you.."

Eobard:Are you? Like me?

"Not a chance in Hell; I am nothing like you..unlike XS I wasn't given a loving father or..mother"

It's true, Erick didn't even know who his mother even was..he never once saw her in his entire life; he didn't even know if she saw alive..no pictures, no videos..nothing

Eobard:I made you stronger, Erick. I was the one who unlocked your potential to the Negative Speedforce..I created you, I taught you everything you know; everything you are is because of me. That anger dwelling up inside of you is one of my greatest accomplishments

Erick's eyes begin to glow red as he slams his fist against the glass in front of him as a small crack appears

"Your greatest accomplishments? You tried to turn me into a weapon, a damn puppet who's strings you could pull..and when that didn't work you used me like a damn lab rat for your experiments! You injected me with God knows how many serums, I'm lucky to even be able to stand here in front you!! You made my life a full on nightmare almost every hero here either wants to kill me or just because of my last name..your dumbass actions are now my consequences, im suffering because of what you did to me.."

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