23.The Grand Tour Of Asgard

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

It all felt like a dream to him..but at the same time it was so fucking majestic as hell though

The literal rainbow bridge filled with so many mystical energy and the beautiful palace up ahead, the flying ships casually hovering in the air; Erick was from the future..

A time of technological advances and things beyond your wildest dreams but here that surpassed everything he knew, Asgard was so much more than this..it felt good to be here..it felt like he actually belonged here..

Erick still in complete awe looks around as Thor and Sif just laugh to themselves seeing Erick's reaction to all of this

"Are you absolutely sure that I didn't die and go to heaven? Because that's what this feels like.."

Sif lays her hand onto her son's shoulder

Sif:I assure you this is all very much real in fact how would you like a grand tour of Asgard itself?

Erick's mouth dropped as he nodded his head 'yes' at super speeds..it was like looking at a child who had just discovered ice cream and asked if they wanted more

Thor:*laughs wholeheartedly* Well then we shouldn't keep you waiting! Come on and allow us to show you what you have been missing all of these years!

The God of Thunder spins Stormbreaker as he flies in a straight line towards the golden palace as Sif just sighs

Sif:He always seems to forget that not all of us can fly *looks at Erick* would you mind?

Erick simply nods as he holds his hand out to his mother as they both vanish in a trail of lightning running down the rainbow bridge known as the Bifrost


Thor pushes the large doors open to the throne room as Erick begins to run around everywhere looking at everything and gawking at the most dangerous yet shiny things

"This is so awesome!"

The speedster continues to run around the throne room as Sif softly smiles seeing the look of excitement on her son's face

Thor:I haven't seen you smile in a very long time my friend

Sif:I have a reason to smile now, after all of those years looking for him..I finally found him

Thor could see the hesitation in her friends face as he nudges her shoulder and asks

Thor:But your afraid that he will have to return back to Midgard

Sif:I do..you should have seen him Thor, he fought against the impossible and yet he rose to become a good man despite being put through all of that pain and suffering he had to endure

Thor places his hand on her shoulder comforting her

Thor:Then he truly is your son..you may not have endured that same pain as he has but in a way you did, you persisted against your own nightmares. You want him to stay and that I understand as you know..I have daughters of my own

He looks down at Stormbreaker and rubs his knuckles

Thor:But I also know that your son is a grown man, if he wishes to stay then he can but if he doesn't want to be here we cannot force him; trust me as a father myself..we have to let our children decide what path they choose we can only guide them so far until they are ready to do it on their own

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