19.Two Friends In Need

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist

-Earth 38/National City-

Erick and Kara sat on a bench in the middle of the park as laughter and sounds of cheering could be heard as Erick takes a bite of his pretzel as Kara sees Erick just look on and stay absolutely quiet as she nudges his shoulder as he turns to face her

Kara:Are you okay?

She asked worryingly as she laid her hand on top of his giving it a small yet gentle squeeze

"Yeah..yeah im fine *chuckles* they don't have parks in the future so this is nice to see"

He tries to play it off jokingly but Kara sees through it as she scoots a bit closer to him

Kara:Hey..look at me..

Erick closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as he sets his pretzel aside as he looks at her..

Kara:Whatever you need to talk about im here for you..im not going anywhere..

Erick doesn't say anything at first as she rubs his knuckles with her fingers

"I didn't really have a childhood..I didn't get to go outside and play like any other kid or be tucked into bed and them telling me goodnight or that they loved me.."

Erick fights back the tears trying to fall through as he moves his hand away from Kara

"All I ever got was the cold ground to sleep on and barely enough food to even walk sometimes, and I know that you've been through alot Kara..but this--this is something much more different; one of the serums I was injected with--it--it..I can't have kids..I won't be able to have a family, my Dad he used a small strand of Doomsday's DNA and made it that way..and seeing this makes even wonder if I'll get to even have a future"

A single tear falls from his face as it falls and touches the ground as Erick clenches his fists..that damn bastard wanted him to suffer..even when he's not with him..he can still hear his damn voice in his head..lurking and waiting for him to break down so he can strike

Kara:Erick..you'll find a way, I know you will..you can't--

"And how the hell do you know that!?"

Kara jumps back a bit from his sudden outburst as Erick's eyes spark with red and black lightning, as Erick soon realizes what he's done..his eyes change back to their normal color

"I'm sorry Kara--I didn't mean to yell at you..I just--I have tried to get rid of that serum inside of me, every test, every possible probability, and still I haven't even gotten close to stopping it.."

Erick feels his hands tremble as Kara reaches out and grabs them as it calms him down a bit

"I don't want to be remembered as the son of a villain when I die..I don't want that, Kara. I want to find someone who will accept me for being me, I want to wake up everyday next to her and be grateful that she chosen to be with me, I want to hold her hand and just with her..that's what I want.."

Kara feels the lightning brush against her skin as she feels it tingle through her hand..Erick wasn't broken he was just afraid..afraid of what he was leaving behind


Meanwhile on the other side of National City, now dressed in some normal clothes both Jesse and Morgan wander the streets as Jesse can feel them getting closer to Erick

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