51.The Rather Pissed Off Backup

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

All seemed to going well in the golden city that was Asgard as Thor sat upon his throne with his loyal bodyguard and best friend Lady Sif by his side; he wouldn't be lying if he didn't say he missed his own daughter..Katherine had a way of bringing such a light into the palace just like her mother

As for Lady Sif, she did miss her son aswell..the son she had been searching for had done such marvelous things for the people of Midgard; instead of following that wretched man who he was forced to call his father. He created his own legacy and in doing so proved to be worthy of wielding the power weapon known as Mjöllnir

Their collective thoughts are stopped as a breach opens up in the middle of the throne room as Thor holds his hand out calling Stormbreaker to him and with Sif pulling out her double sided blade; an orange streak of lightning jumped out of the breach as Erick came to a screeching halt

Before Thor or Sif could even say a word; the hybrid quickly took off his mask and vomited all over the ground before wiping what remained off of his face, clearly Emily still needed to control her powers even though she brought him here it took multiple times

Sif slowly approached her son and pulled out a small rag and held out for him to take as he took it and wiped some of the vomit off of his suit

"Sorry about the mess, my niece is getting the hang of opening breaches.."

Erick takes a deep breath as he looks back up at the King of Asgard and walks up to him

"I'm sorry if I happen to be intruding but I need your help..both of you actually to help save my world from a madman"

Thor raises an eyebrow seeing that his daughter or the kryptonian isn't around which could only mean one thing..whoever Erick was going up against had the upper hand and the people he cared about which just so happened to be his daughter were in danger

Thor:Tell us everything you know, son of Sif..

Erick rubs his hands together and let's out a sigh, it'd be a long story but he just hoped that Emily could get Kate and Kara out of STAR Labs


Another breach opens up in the middle of the meta-human pipeline as Emily jumps out and lands on the ground; she notices a tablet mostly likely connecting to the metal round door in front of her that led to Kate and Kara's cells

Emily:Aw screw it..

She holds her hand out destroying the tablet as the round metal door slides open as Emily smiles to herself thankful that it actually did work; the Girl of Steel and Princess of Asgard both turn around at the same time seeing Emily waving at them

Emily:Surprise! I am here to rescue you!

She holds both of her hands out and focuses her interdimensional energy to shatter the glass as two separate beams of energy come out and break the glass enough for Kara to punch through it with what remaining strength she has and quickly makes her way over to Kate to free her and helps her out of the cell

Kara:Okay, we should probably hurry..there's a chance that we tripped an alarm---

Right on queue some guards rush in with riot shields and green shining batons as Kara could feel her strength slowly starting to fade; Kate cracked her knuckles and rushed into the fight as she is pushed back by one of the riot shields by the first guard

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