9.Proving Himself [Part 2]

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist

-Central City/STAR Labs-

Still inside the Pipeline, Erick leans back against the blue walls covering his comfortable cell as he hears the doors hiss open

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Still inside the Pipeline, Erick leans back against the blue walls covering his comfortable cell as he hears the doors hiss open

A bit intrigued he pushes himself off the wall as the doors fully open revealing, Nora with her arms crossed as she steps up and faces Erick

"Your the last person I seriously want to talk to right now, so whatever your going to say then just say it"

Nora:What did you tell my Dad?..

Erick presses one of his hands against the glass and simply tells her

"Well nothing yet..I have nothing to hide, Nora but you on the other hand..your hiding something.."

He could sense it..he knew that she'd try and act brave and confident around Erick to prove to herself but she wasn't afraid of him..even if she didn't want to admit deep down she was..

"You come here to this time period and instantly make everyone here turn on me in an instant..you spew half truths to your own family"

Nora mutters something underneath her breath by the words of 'at least I have one..' as Erick raises any eyebrow

"Say it again..go on.."

Nora:I didn't say anything..

But Erick just scoffs and backs away from the glass

"I may not have a family Nora like you but at least I know what I am doing here..*faces Nora* for fuck sakes if it wasn't for me, Godspeed would've killed you..hell you wouldn't even be here"

It had been one of their very first encounters..when Red Death had found about Godpseed chasing another speedster around Central City, the battle was fierce..between Red Death and Godspeed himself

"A hero is to supposed to uphold a morality within themselves, yet somehow you call yourself one all because your Dad is the Flash, he may be the fastest man alive here..but in the future that's where I reign.."

Nora:At least I won't be spending the rest of my life here stuck inside a cell!

"Who knows maybe one day I'll be the one to put you in one of these..it'd be ironic.."

Nora shakes her head against this as she turns around to walk away but Erick tells her one more thing before she leaves

"Sooner or later they'll figure it out! Your hiding something far bigger, you may fooled them but not me..im always one step ahead, Nora. Remember that.."

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