25.And Then I Met Her..

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

[So this chapter is basically going to be a flashback when Erick was on Asgard and before he passed out in the weapons room]

Erick still couldn't believe it..he was on a literal floating golden palace in the middle of outer space, he finally met his mother after all of these years and for the first time in what truly felt like ages; Erick Thawne was genuinely happy

Happy to see someone who cared about him for who he is and not for people made him out to be, it was a truly memorable experience for him and now he was being given the tour of his old home by the God of Thunder, Thor Odinson

Thor and Erick walk down the halls as Erick who is still mesmerized by it all just looks around seeing statues and painting, even spotting some people training with each other as he hears something..

"Do you hear that?"

Erick says pointing out that sound as Thor doesn't even seem to notice it

Thor:To what are you referring to Erick?

The sound of singing echoes throughout the halls of the palace as Erick slowly steps away from Thor as the Asgardian watches Erick leave him all by himself as Erick grows closer to the singing

He feels the tingles of lightning in the air as his hand momentarily sparks with a shade of purple lightning


Inside of an separate room laying all around the ground, instruments are scattered everywhere as Erick steps into the room as he hears the singing grow even louder, it was almost angelic

?:🎶When tomorrow comes I'll be on my own..feeling frightened up🎶

Erick finally finds the source of the singing, all around him were spreadsheets as he kneels down and picks one of them up as he mutters the words to himself

"🎶I got all I need when I have you and I..🎶"

It was almost like an instinct as she turned around to see who was behind her as Erick looked up right as she turned her head, and then it happened..they locked eyes with each other

The air around them became almost electrified as Erick awkwardly waved at her

"Sorry..I just--ahem I heard you singing and I wanted to see who it was..my name is---"


Erick looked a bit more confused than surprised by this as the long raven haired woman stood up and made her way over to him as they still had their eyes locked onto each other as she looked up at him

?:You look familiar..have we met before?

"I'm sorry..but um no I don't think so"

Erick held out the spreadsheet for her to grab as he felt her finger brush against his skin as they both felt small literal sparks come off each other, one was a small flicker of purple and the other was a faint yellow

These sparks..they felt a connection, it was strong and they both knew it..

"You felt that didn't you?"

She nods her head 'yes' as they both hold up their hands as their palms touch other as small crackles of mixed yellow and purple lightning tingle between them

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