20.Two Friends In Need [Part 2]

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist

-Earth 38/Kara's Apartment-

Erick hands Jesse a glass of water as he sits down on the couch and tries to process everything they just told him in a matter of minutes

"So it really is that serious huh?"

Jesse takes a sip of her water as Morgan replies back

Morgan:Yeah it's that serious..look I know you just got out of the whole being trapped thing and you want to live your with; but we could use---

"I'm in"

Both Jesse and Morgan were taken back by his sudden reply as they look at each other and then back at Erick

"You guys defended me back on Earth 1 when you didn't even know me and I really do appreciate what you've done for me, it's only fair I help you guys deal with this since you helped me in my time of need..I want to do the same for you"

Morgan:U-uh wow okay..um I wasn't expecting for you to answer so quickly

"Well when your a speedster like me you tend to want to speed things up"

Morgan hears Jesse's not so subtle whisper

Jesse:I wonder what else he can speed up..

She nudges her shoulder as Morgan gives the 'seriously' look as Jesse bites her lip and giggles a bit

"Is everything alright?"

Morgan:Yeah..it's just a joke I remembered..ahem so anyways when do you think we can leave?

Erick looks down at his futuristic watch and then back up

"I'd say right about now actually"

Jesse:Wait really? But what about you and Kara?

Erick raises an eyebrow as he stops to think about it..he's only recently just got here and he's gotten to know Kara a bit better but he couldn't ask her to tag along because just like any other hero they have to be on stand by if anything drastic comes their way; if there's anyone who would understand what being a hero meant I'd definitely be someone like Kara..

Erick runs around the apartment and grabs a piece of paper and writes down 'I had to help Jesse and Morgan with something important hope you understand' as he grabs the piece of paper and puts it somewhere Kara could definitely see it as he spins around and gives his undivided attention back to Jesse and Morgan as he claps his hands together

"I left a note letting her know..so uh let's go!"

Morgan shrugs her shoulders not really complaining as she pulls out her own version of the interdimesional extrapolator and presses the button in the middle as breach appears in front of the trio as they all step through it without any hesitation



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