44.Seeking Out Advice

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

Out in the middle of the ever so wonderful Kent farm we see Barry shooting and knocking down paint cans with his new bow and arrow skills as Clark, Lois, Kara, Kate, Emily and Erick all watch on seeing the two recently swapped friends talk to each other; Emily leans over to Erick and asks him

Emily:Are they always so..grouchy?

Erick softly chuckles and whispers back over to Emily

"I think so yeah, but I guess it's one of the things you have to deal with.."

Emily snickers as she turns her gaze over to Kate as the princess of Asgard gives her a small friendly wave, Emily waves back at her and then looks at Kara who keeps glancing at Erick

Emily takes a second to look in between the two women and Erick, she was only around for a while but she noticed how they looked at Erick..it was the same look she once gave her boyfriend..but Erick didn't need to know that last part though

Erick nudges Emily a bit as she quickly faces him as he asks a bit worried about her

"Are you okay? You zoned out for a second.."

He puts his head on her forehead checking to see if she has a fever or anything of that sort but Emily reassures Erick

Emily:I'm fine..I was just thinking a bit

Erick hums to himself and nods his head and faces the two heroes who were now arguing amongst themselves as Erick hops over the balcony and makes his way over to them and stands in between them

"Ladies, ladies what seems to be the problem here?"

Oliver gives a small glare to Erick but the hybrid smiles innocently as Oliver huffs in annoyance and answers the question

Oliver:Barry thinks that my skills are joke! He shot me in the back!

Erick leans back and sees where the arrows were pulled out from Oliver's back and winces as the hybrid looks back at Barry

"Okay I can see why that seems a bit dramatic but..*faces Oliver* you had it coming though"

Barry:See! Plus you heal fast! I was a much better sport when you shot me

Oliver tries to takes a step forward but Erick easily holds Oliver back using one hand

Oliver:I shot you to how incase an environment, you shot me to get a laugh! You know what? Try to get one hit in..

The situation had now just escalated as Kate made her over to Erick to help him out as you could hear Lois scream in the back

Lois:Deck him, Barry!!

Everyone stopped and turned her like she was crazy but reverted back to the situation at hand as Kate tapped Barry on the shoulder

Kate:Can I use the bow for a second?

Barry confusingly hands her the bow as she grabs a couple of arrows and effortlessly shoots the paint cans off, Oliver's eyes widen a bit..Kate was able to do this much faster than him

Kate:Look I get it you guys have history together and you don't know me but instead of arguing with each other maybe you should learn from each other instead of whining and complaining

She hands Barry back the bow as Erick crosses his arms a bit impressed by Kate's words as he adds onto it

"She's right you know, none of us know if this is going to be permanent or not so might as well learn as much as you can and besides..your both grown ass men start acting like it"

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