17.Catching Up With You

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist

-Earth 38/National City-

Erick was instantly engulfed into a hug by Kara as it caught him off guard as he stumbled back a bit but regardless he hugged her back, you could see the look of pure happiness in her eyes, how her smiled beamed so brightly as she layed her adorable head against his chest

Supergirl:It's really good to see you, Erick

"Well I made you a promise and when I make one I always keep it, and look here I am quite literally in your arms actually"

Kara's smile grew even more as the two let go of one another, as Erick looks around the rooftop they were in as he walked over to the ledge and looked out in National City

"This looks nice.."

He admired the beautiful night sky, the shining stars high above..the city lights around the building even the people just minding their own business

"You know in the future..things like this are very rare, we still have cars and other things but it doesn't come close to this, Kara..it's moments like these that really make you appreciate everything you have in life. To look out and see a future you choose to forge all by yourself..past, present or future.."

Kara was starstruck by Erick's words of wisdom, how could someone who's suffered so much know so how much life itself..

Erick faces Kara as she just stares in awe at the man in front of her as he just smiles and gently pushes her as she snaps out of her entranced state

"Hey are you okay? You kind of zoned out there for a second"

Supergirl:Y-yeah..im fine..

Erick leans in a bit as he notices something on her nose

"You know you have this thing on your nose..I think it's a crinkle"

Kara tries to hide it but fails ever so miserably as Erick tells her it's fine

"I've seen worse, Kara. You don't have to worry about it"

Supergirl:Are you sure because---

Erick places both his hands on her shoulder and calmly tells her

"Hey hey..look you don't have to do anything for me, just be yourself and we can move on from there, okay?"


"Good, now I know this is going to sound really weird but do you have any food, because im actually starving"

Her eyes beam with excitement

Supergirl:Oh! I know this one place but you do you like donuts?

Erick scoffs at such a question

"Who doesn't like donuts?"

Supergirl:Well in that case come on, let's see who's faster hm?

Erick cracks his knuckles as they both into running stances as Erick's eyes spark with lightning..except it wasn't his usual colored one..

Supergirl:On your mark..

"Get set.."


And with that the two race off against one another


Kara comes to a stop in the middle of her apartment as she holds a box of donuts in her hands, as Erick runs in

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