30.A Ground Shattering Fight

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

Kate and Kara both stand ready against a fear gassed Red Death as we see him glaring back at what he thinks is the Black Flash, his fear overcoming his mind..he wasn't just afraid he was angry..he was pissed off in so many ways

The very thing he thought he killed so long ago was miraculously now back to finish what he had started since their last encounter..well he wasn't about to go through that again; this time things would be different..this time he would protect the people he cares about, this time..he'll stop the Black Flash forever

Kate was getting more hesitant by the second as she didn't want to hurt him..but in his current state; he was in no way able to just talk things out..he saw how he pulled his punches during his fight against the other Reverse Flash..whoever or whatever he was seeing meant that the gloves were off

Kate:Kara whatever you do..don't pull your punches

Kara turned her head back to Kate like she was crazy

Kara:I could kill him, Kate!

Kate:Trust me when I say this..I know that look in his eyes, he will kill you without any hesitation

Kara didn't really what had happened to Erick since his time away with Kate, but right now wasn't a time to be jealous..now was a time to survive as she possibly could; she remembers fighting against Barry during the invasion..if there was one thing you don't do is underestimate a speedster

Before Kara could even have a chance to even say anything she was met by a hard uppercut by Red Death as the force of the hit was hard enough to send her flying up into the air as Red Death grabbed her leg and practically flung her through a building as the hybrid set his eyes on Kate

His hands sparked with red lightning as he roared out in rage as he held out his hands as red lightning came out of his fingertips, Kate was quick as she rolled to her right barely avoiding the lightning as she fired several arrows towards Red Death

He dodged most of them as he caught the last arrow and just glared at Kate as she waved her hand, the arrow exploded right in his face as he fell back; she had to change her weapons if she was going to survive this or she'd end up in Valhalla

Red Death flips himself back to his feet as he runs in and jumps up into the air as he brings down his fists as the ground in front of him sends a shockwave as Kate stumbles back; the Goddess of Thunder is punched in the stomach as she retaliates by throwing a right hook towards Red Death but he counters it and blocks it

Red Death flips himself back to his feet as he runs in and jumps up into the air as he brings down his fists as the ground in front of him sends a shockwave as Kate stumbles back; the Goddess of Thunder is punched in the stomach as she retaliates ...

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Kate's eyes widen in complete shock as Erick knees her the stomach and grabs her by her hair as he brings his knee up to her face as Kate falls back as she wipes the blood from her mouth as Red Death is struck by heat vision by Kara as it hits him right in the chest

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