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"Family! I'm home!" I called throwing my back to the top of the stairs before heading out back where I can guarantee they are
"James" Piper smiled coming over to hug me
"Hey Pipes, how was school?" I asked and she shrugged before running off again

"Hey baby" Mum said as I kissed her cheek hello
"Hey mum" I said making her smile
"Do you have plans this evening?" she asked and I shook my head
"nah, I need to start reading more for my project. I'll probably do that and then chill with Piper" I said making her nod
"alright honey, your dad and I are heading out. Do you want us to take Piper or" she started and I shook my head
"she's alright with me" I smiled making her nod

I headed back inside heading upstairs grabbing my bag on the way up
Let's see what else Riley has to tell 
I took out the Second letter with the same dainty handwriting
Someone Important to me 

'Hey again,

So you're back again, that's nice to see.
My someone important to me is someone I will always hold dear to my heart 

It's my Nana
She left us 3 years ago and there isn't a day where I don't miss her. We were thick as thieves together 
I remember all the times that I would run away from home only to end up on her doorstep
Or all the times my dad would tell I couldn't have any chocolate before Tea but she would always sneak me some 

My Nana, is and always will be my best friend 
She was diagnosed with Dementia 2 years before she passed 
After almost 1 year and half of her slowly forgetting people, the time came where she had no idea who I was

She didn't know about all our adventures, she didn't know our story anymore 
I did my best to remind her but nothing worked
She was still my Nana, she was still the woman I love but she just didn't know who I was. Part of me wanted to think that deep down inside she knew who I was and it was one of her games but the more it continued, the more I knew it wasn't going to come back

Dad always tells me, he sees a lot of Nana in me and I couldn't think of a better compliment
Nana is one of the strongest people I have ever met, she fought for so long. She never faltered but even the strongest fighters have to lose a battle here and there 

Nana and I had some many traditions, so many things that I can't wait for the day I get to do it with someone I love, my children, my grandkids.
I plan to keep her memory alive for as long as possible

She was the most beautiful and kind hearted person I've ever met
If you needed help, no matter who you were. She'd be there.
She would give you her last breath it meant she was helping you

Nana taught me a lot growing up
She taught me right from wrong, she taught me the difference between love and lust
She taught me how I deserve to be treated and she made damn sure that I wouldn't settle for less

I remember growing up, my favourite memory with her would be the robins
Every christmas, Nana and I would go on our traditional walk around the lake near our cabin and we would always see these Robins. It started as one Robin but with every year we returned, more and more would come 
It's something I've continued to do without her, I take a picture every year
I know she'll never see them but I know for a fact she would have loved to see the pictures 

I could talk about her all damn day but I won't bore you anymore 

See you in Letter 3 


For the first time, I think I actually cried at a letter
It was heartbreaking but also so wholesome.
It's clear her Nana is the most important person in her life, I cannot imagine how it felt for her to forget her like that
I would hate for that to ever happen to me or anyone in my life

Fuck man.. 

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