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Michelle went to go tell the gang we weren't coming back but we made sure to make sure she didn't say a word
The last thing Riley would want is everything getting out 
She's going through enough without everyone else in her business. The one thing our friendship group will pride themselves in, is making sure if something is going on.. they know about it and they get involved
This is not one of the times for that..

"How did you know?" I asked making Hayden look up, we were down in the kitchen while Riley slept upstairs
"What?" He asked
"How did you know something was going on" I repeated 
"We don't get homework until Friday and even then, Riley does it all Sunday night" He said

"I know that girl like the back of my hand, that's why she asked you to drop her home. She knew if I had and she gave me that excuse" He started
"you wouldn't have accepted it" I muttered to myself

Hayden nodded before looking at me
"Don't beat yourself up about it James. You have a lot to learn about that girlfriend of yours, she'll slowly let you in on all her tells" He said and I sighed nodding
I just wish I was able to help right away

"Where are her parents?" I asked and he shrugged before looking at the fridge where a note sat
"Either Riley say this and that's that triggered this. Or she had no idea" Hayden said taking the note off the fridge, I looked at him before he handed me the note

'Your Dad and I have gone to stay with Emily for the week, Fridge is fully stocked - Mum xx'

"Do they do that often?" I asked and Hayden nodded
"I'm going to call her dad and let him know what's happened" Hayden said excusing himself, I nodded before making my way out of the kitchen
I was about to take a seat on the sofa when I could hear the footsteps making their way down the stairs 

I quickly looked up to see Riley stood there, her face still stained from the tears, her body looking like it was ready to give out
"I'm sorry" She whispered making me look at her confused before shaking my head making my way over to her

"You have nothing to be sorry for Ri" I whispered cupping her cheek 
"You don't need to see this, need to deal with this" She whispered closing her eyes as I stroked her cheek
"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, you're stuck with my I'm afraid" I said making her chuckle as I wiped a tear

"I'm serious James" She said looking up at me 
Her expression nothing shy of empty
"and so am I Riley, I'm not going anywhere" I whispered before leaning down to kiss her gently 


"Will you stop being a dick and open the gate" I heard someone yell
Riley and I were laid on the sofa, Riley cuddled up to my chest fast asleep again
I gently removed myself to go see what the commotion was about

Little did I know that was the worst choice I could have made

"Freddie for fuck sake. She doesn't need you here right now! Far from it actually" I heard Hayden yell as I made it out the back door
The moment I did Freddie's eyes landed on me and instantly darkened

"So you won't let me in but you'll let him in?" He spat in my direction, Hayden gave me an apologetic look before turning back to his clearly annoyed company
"The difference is that Riley wants James here. He's helping her! All you've done in the last couple days is fucking tear her down" Hayden argued
"He's a random guy! He's from the other school!" Freddie yelled making me roll my eyes

"Don't you see that is your problem Freddie!" Hayden said making him look at Hayden
"you're so hell bent on them being to fucking toxic that you haven't even given to the thought that maybe they are okay?" He asked

"James is the one that managed to get Riley back into dancing, James is the one who managed to get Riley to stop having a panic attack over your fight with her. James is picking up after your fucking mess" Hayden growled

"That's one person vs the rest of them" Freddie spat clearly not having a comeback
"You don't know anything about them. Your too set in your ways" A voice yelled from behind me, I turned to see Riley now by my side. I wrapped an arm around me letting her cuddle up to me a little, which made Freddie's Rage worse

"Then go ahead Riley. What have I missed!" He spat crossing his arms 
"For starters your missing the amazing girl your best friend is dating. I've never seen someone open Hayden up the way Michelle does" Riley said making Hayden smile in her direction

"Then there is Eldon and West, the biggest idiots you'll ever meet but they'll do nothing but support any choice you made" Riley continued as I stroked her arm with my hand
"and Thalia, she's the sweetest sweetheart to walk this planet, she could even melt your cold ass heart" Riley said making both Hayden and I chuckle 

"I've known these people for just over a month and honestly Freddie, they know a lot more about me then you have in the last 3 years" she said making Freddie look a bit disheartened
"They don't care what school we come from, they don't care about anything then seeing us all smile. They care about their friends the way your meant to" She said

"I don't know when we became so toxic but you really need to take a big look at yourself before I ever unlock that gate again" She said 
"So what, these last 17 year mean shit now?" He asked
"Ask yourself that, last time I checked. You're the one deleting all of our things off of Social media, walking around school all high and mighty" Riley said 

"You made this problem Fred and the only one who can fix it.. is you" She said before turning to head inside 

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