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The gang and I walked into Studio A with Hayden beside us, he's gotten into the habit of coming and meeting up at school before coming here. Riley would do the same but she cares more about her school then Hayden clearly
"What are you guys doing here?" Hayden smiled at his friends as they stood up from a bench. I glanced over to see Aspen, Laura and Freddie

I know Riley and Freddie mended bridges a couple weeks ago now but I hadn't really heard much else about it
"we figured we would come see what the fuss was about" Laura chuckled making it dawn on me, since Hayden and Riley started dancing here. None of them have seen them

"Where is Riles?" Aspen asked before everyone looked at me
"She'll be in the Music Room doing one of two things" I said making the rest of the troupe nod
It's Riley's routine to beat us here to either warm up or work on her National solo. Which ever she fancies doing most that day
"i'll show the way" Hayden smiled 

We all started to walk that way before Freddie stopped, I glanced back at him to see what he was doing but all he did was bow his head
"I'm sorry I uh judged you" He said taking me by surprise
"It's alright" I said as he looked up at me
"No it isn't James, I was fucking prick" He said making me chuckle
"that isn't my assumption to make. From what I've heard, you've still been there a few time when Ri's needed you" I explained
"All she's ever needed from you is for you to be there for her, for you to be her friend" I explained and he nodded

"Do you ever think she'll truly forgive me?" He asked and I nodded
"I don't think there is a bone in her body that means she can hate anyone. Give her some time and space when she needs it and you'll be back anytime" I replied making him smile lightly

"Out of all the guys she could have chosen, I'm glad she chose you" He smiled making me smile back
"Me too" I said making him chuckle as we headed in the direction of the Music Room

And just like I had assumed, Riley was in there working on a Piece. It could be her National Solo but who knows at this point, she's scrapped 4 pieces already

"That was fucking awesome!" Laura cursed pulling Riley and Aspen into a tight hug
"Since when could you do that" Aspen gushed
"you should see what Hayden capable off" Riley said making the girls attention shift to him
"Oh Hayyyyy" Laura said batting her eye lids making all of us laugh
"Bite me Laura" He said

We knew all about Hayden's relationships with these girls, from first glance you may assume that Michelle would have competition but they've pretty much already scooped Michelle into their little group they have going on. 
Hayden is a big brother to the girls, nothing more, nothing less

"hey" Riley smiled finally coming over to me, I smiled pressing my lips against hers pulling her in closer by the waist
"Hey" I smiled making her blush as she buried her head in my chest
"That looked good though Ri, is this the new Solo?" I asked, Riley looked up and around at the studio before looking at me with a bite to her lip
"no I don't think it is" She said making me roll my eyes pecking her lips again 


Everyone was hanging out at Parkour Alley and when I say everyone. I mean everyone. Freddie, Laura and Aspen decided to join us for the evening and so far it's going well. Beth seems to be entertained by the likes of Freddie so who are we to complain 
Riley and I sat under the same blossom tree watching as our friends merged 
"How weird is it to think that it all started with a feud and some letters" Riley smiled intertwining our hands that was thrown over our shoulder

"Since then, I've not missed one piece of homework" I smiled making her look up at me
"You mean, you haven't gone one day with out pestering me for help with your homework" She smirked and I rolled my eyes leaning down to kiss her 

"tomato, tomato" I whispered before kissing her again

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