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"Piper! You are going to make us both late!" I called up the stairs, Piper was due to have a Class while A-Troupe rehearsed, today was also Riley and Hayden's first official practice with us
"I'm coming god! When have you ever been so concerned about getting somewhere on time?" She asked making me roll my eyes
"Do you want a ride or not?" I asked making her roll her eyes this time

"What is going on with you lately anyway? Your all happy and shit" Piper said making me shoot her a look
"Yeah? Does mum know your swearing now?" I asked and she smirked
"No but I'm sure she'd love to find out who I learnt it from" She said making me narrow my eyes at her
"Touché Pipesqueak" I said making her chuckle 

"But seriously James, who is she?" Piper asked and I looked at her before looking back to the road
"what makes you think it's a her?" I asked
"I didn't realise you swung that way James" She smirked making me scoff
"no Piper what? I didn't mean it like that" I said making her burst out laughing 
"So it is a she?" She asked and I rolled my eyes before nodding
"Ohhhh James!" she teased shaking my arm 

We got to The Next Step and Piper hadn't stopped asking question after questions about Riley, I didn't give her many answers but what I did made Piper only ask more
"Can I meet her?" She gushed as we put our bags into Cubbies 
"I don't know your class starts soon" I said and she rolled her eyes
"In like 10 minutes!" Piper said, I looked around the room to see Hayden and Riley stretching with Eldon and Michelle
"Sure" I said smiling at Piper who started to jump up and down like the little kid she is 

I looked over at the gang managing to catch Riley's gaze, I smiled in her direction before motioning her over
"You okay?" she asked after making her way across the floor
"Yeah, I have someone who wants to meet you" I answered making Riley look at me confused 

"What are you on about?" She laughed before I stepped out of the way revealing Piper stood there with a grin from ear to ear
"You must be Piper" Riley smiled taking a step forward, I chuckled placing my arm around Riley allowing my hand to sit firmly on her waist
"I have heard a lot about you" Riley said making Piper jump with joy before pulling Riley straight in for a hug 

Riley looked at me as she hugged Piper back
I won't lie, I was as taken back as Riley was right now, Piper is usually very cautious, very withdrawn when it comes to meeting new people
You'd be considered luck if you got a wave
This was a whole new level that even I hadn't seen before

"Riley it's so nice to meet you" Piper said as the pulled away, Piper still kept a firm grip on Riley's arms making Riley smile
"It's lovely to meet you too Piper" She giggled
"Will we be seeing more of you?" Piper asked before Riley and Piper both looked to me making me chuckle
"I'd like to think so" I said making Riley smile before turning back to my little sister

"Good! That means you can meet mum and dad! and Uncle Carter! and-" Piper started before I cut her off
"She gets its Pipes"I said making Piper growl at me before looking at Riley again with the same innocent smile on her face

"Piper! You have a class starting now" Miss Kate warned her making her pout at us before nodding to Miss Kate
" I'll see you later?" Pipe asked Riley without looking at me
"I'm sure you will" Riley smiled before Piper hugged her again before rushing out of the Studio without looking back 
Without even saying goodbye to me either 


"Alright A-Troupe! I want us to work on Duets this week, I think we need to have a good variety so we'll be choosing names out of a hat" Miss Kate said walking over with a baseball cap,
Every year we tend to two sessions of duets to find the best fit for nationals and this is just round one
"Okay our first pairing we have, Thalia and West" Miss Kate said making the pair smile at each other
"Then we have Eldon and Noah" Miss Kate continued 

One by one we were all paired off until it was just Beth, Riley, Hayden and I left
In an ideal world, I would love to be paired with Riley but I don't think it'll work like that 

"are final pairs are" Miss Kate said picking out one name
"Riley and " She started
"Hayden" Miss Kate smiled
"leaving Beth and James" Miss Kate said

I groaned silently before glancing at Riley who looked just as concerned as I did 
This was not going to be simple or easy, this was going to be a week of hell

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