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"It's cool, we'll figure out how to get you out long before your date" Hayden said to me at my locker the next day. We were about to head to Freddie's to study but I was due to meet James in 4 hours time
"He'll catch on" I muttered seeing Freddie walking over with Laura and Aspen
"It's okay. We've got this" Hayden said before getting his phone out as everyone joined u
"Are we ready?" Freddie asked and I nodded before seeing Laura and Aspen look at their phones before looking at me with a smirk or a smile
I shook my head at the pair of them realising that Hayden had probably just text them 

"So Hayden, when are we going to meet this girlfriend of yours" Freddie said as we all sat in his living room, I looked at Hayden slightly confused. How did he know
"Like I told you the other day Freddie, I'm not introducing her to anyone just yet" He said, Hayden took one big step telling Freddie that given what his views on the fued is 
"It feels like it's been a long time since we all hung out" Freddie confessed looking at me

"It hasn't been that long, we all hang out at lunch and stuff?" I reminded him 
"Yeah but what happened to the days we would spend every evening at the beach, the park. Anywhere as long as it was the 5 of us" Freddie said
I won't lie, he was making me feel guilty.. 
I felt bad for essentially abandoning him but I know if he was involved he would do nothing but cause problems ust because of the school everyone else goes to

"We are all growing up Fred, we are all working on School work. Family thing. You name it" Laura said helping to fight my corner
"Yeah but like still, I miss the old us" He said
"Why don't we dedicate one evening a week where we hang out, no questions asked?" I offered making Hayden look at me a little concerned

Hayden knows better then anyone, I tend to over book myself. I tend to over work myself. He's seem the aftermath and it isn't pretty
"How about Wednesdays?" Aspen asked, I nodded
The girls know full well that the only day we don't have dance is Sundays and Wednesdays
"That's all good with me" Freddie said making us all nod, looks like that is now set in stone 


I was about to walk over to Parkour to meet James, he wanted to come and pick me up but considering I live smushed in between Hayden and Freddie, it was not the best idea
"Where are you going so dressed up?" A voice said making me jump out of my skin, I turned to see Freddie sat on his porch
"I'm just going out for a bit" I said and he raised a brow at me
I reached into my pocket and began dialling Hayden's number in the hope he was home

"dress like that Riley? Come on. I'm not stupid" He growled
"I know you're meeting a guy" He said looking at me in disbelief 
"Why would it matter if I was?" I asked and he looked at me rolling his eyes

"It doesn't matter but why would you need to sneak around in order to do so" He asked before I could see Hayden leaving his house joining us
"I'm not sneaking around" I said 
"Really? You're leaving your house in the pitch black to go meet a guy who can't even be man enough to pick you up" He spat making me look at him in disbelief 

"you know what Freddie?" I said, Hayden looked at me worried about my next comment
"what Riley" He said looking me up and down
"i'm done, I'm done fitting to your fucking rules, I'm done hiding my life to please you" I said making him chuckle evily

"Alright Riley, go be with your fuckboy. Don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart. Just remember who was there when you were at your lowest" Freddie spat at me making me laugh
"I remember who it was and fucking hell Freddie it wasn't you!" I yelled making Hayden's eyes widen
"come on guys" He said trying to defuse the situation
"Riley I sat with you in that fucking hospital room for hours" Freddie argued
"I hadn't eaten for a week! That was nothing! Hayden fucking found my suicide note and sat with me prying a fucking Razor and packets of pills out my hand" I yelled 

"What" Freddie said quietly
"Hayden has been there a lot more then you ever have Freddie. You're only there when you aren't off chasing your pick of the week" I shyly said
"I don't-" He started
"Like I said Fred, I'm done. Have a good life" I said turning to walk away

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