
I took one last look in the mirror taking a deep breath in. For the first time in forever, I'll be tackling school alone
Hayden fought me on it, he wanted to bin off Freddie too but I'm too kind hearted it would seem
I told him, I would spend most of the day in the Library and he didn't need to worry about me. I know that it'll only be a matter of time until the girls join me 
But I too will stop them

Just because Freddie and I are fighting doesn't mean he needs to lose all of his friends in the process 
That's just cruel and unfair..

As soon as I walked into school, I could see everyone at Hayden's locker. He glanced over at me and looked as if he was about to come join me but I shook my head at him shooting him a look
I needed space at the same time as fighting with Freddie 

I got to my locker to see the same photos in there, I picked off off the magnets looking at it carefully
Freddie and I were 4 maybe 5 in there? Hayden was on holiday with his family so it meant that Freddie and I got to spend the entire summer together
We had a gate that connects are gardens, same as I do with Hayden's garden. Those gates are never locked but for the first time last night.. I locked mine 

All I want is for him to realise that not everything goes his ways, that he can't have everything he wants but something tells me, hell will freeze over first 
I glance over my shoulder to see him laughing and joking with everyone except Hayden is more concerned with me presence 


I didn't realise how hard this would actually be
Nobody warned me about how lonely you can feel even surrounded by strangers
The Library has always been a safe place, neither of the boys have stepped foot in here and I don't think they ever will
It would be where Aspen, Laura and I would go to escape the boys

Before I could delve deeper into the oblivion of feeling like hell. My phone started to blow up revealing both Aspen and Laura had tagged me in an instagram post
And both posts were about to piss Freddie off 

 My phone started to blow up revealing both Aspen and Laura had tagged me in an instagram postAnd both posts were about to piss Freddie off 

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Both of these girls had stuck by me no matter what I threw there way

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Both of these girls had stuck by me no matter what I threw there way. They were there during Nana passing away, during all the arguments with Emily 
And most importantly, they've never once gone without answering their phone to me

Now, I'm not one to depend on people, in fact I will always worry when I feel myself doing so 
But if I was going to depend on anyone, I'm glad it could be these girls

I wiped a couple tears looking at the instagrams before locking my phone and leaning back in my seat
I didn't think that this project would cost my someone who I saw as family
Someone who I thought would love me unconditionally but instead it opened my eyes to how one sided our friendship really was

But yet I feel like the bad guy 

I feel like I'm in the wrong 

And worst of all..

Hayden was right, I was slipping and I was in too deep to stop myself now
But I was also too deep to reach out for help

I'm at the point I just want to let it happen
I want to slowly sink away into the night 

Where nobody would find me and nobody would notice...

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