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"I think I need advice"  I said as the girls and I sat in my bedroom one evening
"What's up?" Aspen asked
"Is this about whatever it is you and Hayden have been disappearing to?" Laura asked and I shrugged before nodding
"You can tell us Riles, we won't tell Freddie" Aspen comforted and I sighed nodding
I knew I could trust them, they are my girls. They would do nothing but support me 

"i started Dancing again" I said making them all smile widely
"That's amazing! Riley omg!" Laura said pouncing on my with a hug followed by Aspen
"Why aren't you screaming that from the rooftop?" Aspen gushed after we all pulled away
"Because the person who got me back into it, Freddie would have a field day with" I said and they both looked at me confused before Aspen smiled

"James?" She asked and I bit my lip nodding
"Holy crap" Laura cursed making us all laugh
"Who cares what Freddie thinks. It's not like your dating the boy" Laura said making me purse my lips together earning a scoff from Laura
"No way!" She said grabbing my arm shaking it
"Riley!" She gleed making me laugh

"We aren't dating, yet anyway. We've kissed a couple times though" I said making them all look at me with shock straight across their face but the look of Joy was not far behind before Aspen's face dropped
"What did you need our advice with?" She asked making me look down
"There is this girl at dance" I said making Laura's eyes instantly darken while Aspen looked at me concerned

"Her name is Beth. She dated James a while ago but I don't know, she's been glaring at me the entire time I've been there" I said and Aspen nodded
"What is she like around James?" Aspen asked
"She follows him around like a bloody lost puppy" I said making Laura laugh a little
"Sounds like she is a mess" Laura said making me chuckle
"Well I know that we are going to have two very different outlooks and advice" Laura said looking at Aspen who rolled her eyes with a smile

"My Advice? Show the girl you mean business" Laura said confidently leaning back on her hands making Aspen chuckle
"Not everyone is as ballsy as you Laur" Aspen said before turning to me
"I think you just need to take it one step at a time. Maybe talk to James about how your feeling? and if this girl over steps. We'll step in" Aspen said making me smile 

"Plus I take it Hayden is dancing too?" Laura asked and I nodded
"Yeah you've got nothing to worry about. That boy is like your biggest sidekick" Laura laughed making me chuckle


"Oh come on, it's not going to be that bad!" Aspen said as we walked towards Parkour Alley. I knew that the gang were here and I also knew Hayden was there
I hadn't told the girls about Michelle and Hayden because I reckon their reactions will be priceless
"Look what the cat dragged in" West said as we approached, the moment Laura made eye contact with Hayden her jaw dropped followed by Aspens' 

Hayden was sat on the bench with Michelle on his lip with their hands intertwined
"Hayden Alexander Matthews! Do you have a girlfriend!" Aspen said making Hayden groan leaning his back
"Riley come on, you couldn't have warned me?" Hayden asked making me laugh
"Where would be the fun in that?" I asked taking a seat next to James
The moment I did, he smiled in my direction before taking a hold of my hands

Before anyone could say or do anything else a familiar voice made us all turn around
"Where was my invite" Beth said coming over, I instantly sighed making Laura quickly clock on. She looked at me and raised brow and I nodded making her instantly match Beth's glare at me 

"Let's introduce ourselves, I'm Laura and this is Aspen. We're Riley's best friends" Laura said smiling at everyone before looking Beth up and down causing Hayden to chuckle
"These girls know everything long before you'll know" Hayden said making both Aspen and Laura look at each other with a nod
"This is Michelle, James, Eldon, West, Thalia and Beth" Hayden added

"Were you guys on the Cabin trip?" Thalia asked and we all nodded
"They were paired together which is why I was on my own with you guys" I said making everyone nod
"From what we can see, we missed a lot more on this camping trip that we realised" Aspen said smirking at Hayden and Michelle while Laura did the same to James and I

"I take it we'll be seeing more of you both?" Eldon asked and they happily nodded
"You can bet your ass you will" Laura said looking dead at Beth 
Something tells me, Laura isn't going to let her do a single thing 

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