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Walking these halls felt a little daunting you know? The last time I was in a studio was with Nana and that was almost 3 years ago now. Before then, I spent day in and day out in a place like this and I loved it

"I don't know Hayden" I said as we stopped at the doors to what was labelled Studio A
"Riley, I love you but come on. You know you can do this" He said taking a hold of my hand
"Plus I have a surprise for you" He said making me furrow my brows
But as soon as he opened the door to Studio A, music started playing and James, Eldon and West looked at us before starting to dance 

One by one, the rest of the team walking into the studio with their bags
Michelle instantly clocking to Hayden and smiling
"Riley!" Thalia giggled hugging me tightly
"Hey" I said smiling back at her
"Coming to join the dark side?" She asked and my breath hitched before looking to Hayden who placed his hand on the square of the back 

"Hey man!" Eldon said coming over with the rest of the trio 
James looked at me with a smile on his face
"Finished our letters I take it?" he asked and I nodded with a slight smile on my face
"Alright A-Troupe, let's get started" A blonde woman said coming into the room

I watched as everyone headed to the floor while Hayden sat down on a bench, he patted the seat next to him but I shook my head
"I think I'm going to go look around" I said making Hayden smile
"Okay Rile" He smiled as I walked out the door we had previously come in from


This place was incredible, it had everything you could possibly think of
Each room was even more spectacular then the last, I smiled entering a small room, it reminds me of the room that Nana and i used to dance in together 
One dance wouldn't hurt right? 

If I was going to do it, i had to do it full out that is for sure
I grabbed Hayden's keys to grab my bag from his car, I figured that sooner or later I would need a dance bag so I had one in my locker since the year started 
Little did I know I would need it sooner that I had thought 

I took out my old Pointe shoes, I may not be dancing but I still yearly tried them on to make sure they still fit. I guess part of me knew I would need them at some point again

As soon as I tightened them, I smiled to myself. It's been a while since I'd be in this position yet somehow it felt right. 
I was about to stand up when there was suddenly a burst of light coming through the window. The sun had just come out from behind a cloud 


Nana was there..

I smiled again rising to my feet before playing the music
"this is for you Nana" i smiled before I started

With every move, every turn, every bend. It call came flooding back. The way it felt to dance, they way you're able to just connect with the music and forget about the world around you

"For someone who hasn't dance in a few years, you are amazing at it" A voice said making me turn to see James leant against the door of the frame holding a water bottle
"That was great" He said handing me the bottle of water
"thanks, I mean it was extremely messy" I said and he chuckled
"no it wasn't Riley. That was cleaner then most of our routines" He chuckled
"Says a lot considering we are meant to be at nationals in two months" He continued to laugh

"Shouldn't you be practicing then?" I smirked and he returned the smirk
"It was time for water break and I figured I would find you hidden away somewhere" He said making me nod

"So is this the start of Riley's comeback?" he asked and I shrugged
"I don't know, it was great and all but" I started
"Nana?" He asked and I nodded

"I reckon, which ever path you decide to choose, she'll be proud of you regardless" He smiled making me smile
God I hope he is right 

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