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"I'm telling youuuu" Michelle gushed as we walked through the halls of our school, I had zoned out most of the conversation. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely glad Michelle is happy but I don't think any of us boys need to hear the ins and out of her and Hayden
"Yeah James just needs to man up" I hear Thalia said making me furrow my brows looking at them
"what are you talking about" I asked hoping they'll clue me in 

"Well if you were listening, you would know" Michelle said crossing her arms, I shot a look to West and Eldon who shrugged
"Buddy, we weren't listening either" West laughed making me groan a little 
"We were saying how you should invite Riley to the party this weekend" Thalia said 
"The annual A-Troupe party?" Eldon asked and the girls nodded
"Hayden is coming so why shouldn't Riley?" Michelle asked

"Then why don't you ask her" I laughed and both girls rolled their eyes
"Because bet your ass she's like it more if you asked her" Michelle said flipping her hair 
"You know Michelle, not every guy and girl that talk. Need to date" West teased making her roll her eyes
"James and Riley will though" Thalia said as both girls had smirks on their faces
"What makes you so sure? Eldon asked and both girls looked at each other, then to me before giggling and walking away 


"Parkour Alley?" West asked as we finished off at The Next Step that night, I smiled nodding
"Gladly" I replied as we headed away from the building, Eldon was off with Thalia, Michelle obviously with Hayden
"So what is going on with you and Riley anyway? Just so I know what battles to fight and what ones to side with" West teased making me roll my eyes

"It's not what Michelle and Thalia think. Riley is a great girl and I've liked getting to know her, who knows maybe one day it'll amount to something" I started
"But?" West asked
"But I think I need to choose the battles I want to fight" I said making West look at me confused
"What do you mean?" He asked and I sighed throwing my bag down as we got to Parkour Alley

"I mean, Riley has a lot going on, there is a lot she's holding herself back from so I want to try help in those areas before anything happens" I said and West nodded
"What's going on? If you don't mind me asking?" He asked and I shook my head

"It isn't my story to tell and considering she hasn't even told Freddie. I don't think it's fair I tell you" I said and he nodded smiling
"Well man, if anyone was going to help her. You're the best one to do it" West said making me smile nodding in his direction
"Thanks man" I answered making him smile again 

West and I had been here for a couple hours and were sat at the bench drinking some water when a familiar face appears
"Look who's in our part of the park" West teased as we watched Riley come over 
"Your part of the park?" She laughed
"This is the shortcut I have to get home" she continued making West chuckle too 
"You're leaving school late aren't you?" I asked and she nodded
"It's Thursday, I tend to stay late to be in the library studying" Riley answered
"Are you any good at math?" West asked and Riley looked at him confused before slowly nodding

"In that case, James I think I've found you a tutor" West said  shaking my shoulder making me roll my eyes at him
"Ignore him" I said making Riley chuckle
"Where is the rest of the calvary?" Riley asked as she took a seat between West and I after we moved over for her 

"Michelle is with" West started
"Hayden, I'm him escape goat" Riley giggled
"And Thalia is with Eldon" I finished
"That makes 5 of you but your on a team of 12 people. Where is everyone else?" Riley asked and I looked at West
Riley made a very valid point

"I guess we just all do our own thing?" West asked and I shrugged nodding
"Tut tut" Riley teased
"Don't try and tell us you are friends with everyone in your year" I said and Riley smirked looking at me
"Do you know how many kids that would be?" Riley laughed
"I'm just friends with anyone who wants to be" She smiled 
"Of course you are" I chuckled making her poke her tongue out at me

We all sat there talking for a little bit before West brought up a topic I don't think either of us were ready to talk about
"So Riley, we hear your a dancer?" West asked making Riley's breath instantly hitch
"something like that" She said looking at him
"We'd love to see it sometime" He smiled supportively
"I don't know, I don't really do it anymore" Riley said trying to get herself out of the situation

"Can't hurt to try again?" West asked
"How about instead of that stress. Why don't you come to our party this weekend?" I asked making West smirk at me
"A party?" She asked laughing lightly 
"Yeah, it'll be at the studio. Hayden is coming too" i said making Riley smile
"Sure James" She replied making me look at West who had the same smirk on his face before he fist bumped me behind Riley's back  

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