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It was time for the final letter and I was beyond ready. I think we've moved past the bad news Riley thought she had. Now it was time to get back on track
What could go wrong with her plans for the future?

'Hey! Look at that, we are on the final letter..

My plans for the future are pretty straight forward
I don't have any
I mean like everyone does, I want to travel. See the world. Experience everything
But I don't want to be tied down to one plan

I want to be able to be as open as possible to whatever life had to offer me. And if that means I spend a couple years unsure on what I'm doing so be it
We all have a plan on this earth and it isn't our time to dictate that yet. We'll all figure out our purpose when the time is right

Growing up, I told Nana I wanted to be a princess then a ballerina and now. Now I'm stuck in the way of I don't mind what I do

I strongly believe when I find that thing I'm meant to do. It'll just scream at me until I give in
Sometimes we find it as easy as learning our ABC's other times we need someone else to show us the way

Whatever my plan is, I'm ready! 

Thanks for reading!

I chuckled to myself, a short and sweet ending to Riley. Why am I not surprised 
I smiled at her optimism, it was a completely different Riley to the one who wrote letter 3. But both still the Riley I met in the forest 
Who knows what else is in store



"Stop panicking!" Hayden said shaking me as I stood at me locker
"I told him I would go to the Dance studio after we both finished our letters Hayd, I only have one left and he just finished" I said and Hayden rolled his eyes
"Give the boy a chance Rile, what is you always say? The world has a habit of showing us what we need before we realise?" He asked and I nodded sighing
"Finish his letter today and then you can come with me to the Studio tonight. Everyone is lovely, I promise" He said making me nod as I took a deep breath in

I sat in the Library at lunch, everyone was outside in our usual spot but I wanted to read this letter. Part of me was worried, not because I was scared of what was in the letter but just merely anxious about what this means. Going to that studio tonight is going to be a huge step I'm not sure if I'm ready for 
But here goes nothing 

'And here we go, the final hurrah..

I have vast ideas and plans for my future. I want t do what everyone else does, I want to travel but more importantly. I want to travel and perform at the same time
I want to go around the world finding a way to make everyone smile in the process

 Whether it be through music, through dance. I want to do everything I can to make someone's day
I would also love to be able to teach dance or music to kids, or adults who knows
If I was to give myself a 10 year plan, it was be 5 simple steps 

Step 1: Go to College

Step 2: Travel 

Step 3: Settle Down

Step 4: Start up a business 

Step 5: Make that business, a family run business 

It's cliché I know but honestly that's my plan for the future 
Sure things are bound to change, my idea of this might alter but as of right now.. in this moment.. this is what I want to do with my life

Well thanks for reading, I'm sure you were pretty cool in your letters too

I smiled, I could have guess his plan would have involved Dance or Music 
It just amplifies my feeling in the pit of my stomach
Could I really dance again?

I know, all I'm doing is going to the studio but let's be honest. Being in the environment, one thing is going to lead to another and I'll get sucked in, I'll fall in love with Dance all over again

But am I ready?  

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