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"you know, he's catching on that something is going on" I say to Hayden as we drive to The Next Step. It was the day of their party and it meant avoiding Freddie yet again
"So what? Eventually we are all gonna have our own lives anyway, why not start now?" He asked and I shrugged
"He'll be pissed if he found out you were dating the enemy" I teased
"Oh yeah? What about when he finds out about you and James huh?" He said nudging me after parking up

"I don't know what you are on about, nothing is going on" I said making him roll his eyes
"Yeah sure" He said pushing me as we met outside the car
"I'm serious, nothing has happened at all" I confessed
"You're not playing?" He asked and I shook my head

"Nothing has happened, we've had a couple conversations. That's about it" I said making Hayden look at me confused
"Hmm" He replied making me look at him
"What?" I asked and he shook his head before we stepped inside 

Studio was decked out a lot more then it usually was, there were banners, balloons, food, punch. You name it and it was here
"What was the purpose of this party again?" I asked and Hayden chuckled shrugging his shoulder 
"Not a clue Rile" He answered with a little laugh



The party was off to a great start, Riley and Hayden joined us an hour or so ago and Riley's seemed to get swept up by the girls instantly but that is no surprise
"Hey" Hayden said coming over to me 
"Alright?" I asked nodding in his direction
"Yeah man you?" He asked looking over at the girls too
"Yeah" I replied
"She fits right in doesn't she" He chuckled and I nodded

"Yeah she does" i smiled 
"Riley has that kind of affect on people" He smiled
"Give her half the chance and she can sweep anyone off of their feet" He said looking at me before leaving to go talk to the boys

What he said stuck with me and I can't explain why, just something about it makes me think he was trying to hint at something 

Time continued to go on until I realised that if I wanted to execute my plan. There was no time like the pleasant
"Hey, I have something to show you" I said grabbing Riley's attention. She chuckled before looking at me with a smile on her face
"What is it" She asked and I smiled back holding out my hands that she happily took 
I guided her out of Studio A and down to the Music Room. The same room Riley had danced in the other week
"James what are you doing?" She laughed as I moved one of the benches
"Do you trust me?"I asked and she looked at me confused her smile still evidently on her face
"I mean I don't have a reason not to" she chuckled taking a seat 

I smiled heading over to the sound system setting up the music before her surprise was due to start 

The entire time I was dancing, Riley's smile never left her lips and that is exactly what I was hoping for
"That was amazing" she said jumping up from her seat hugging me making me chuckle as I hugged her back
"What was it for?" she asked as we pulled away
"I wanted to show you how Dance really makes you feel, I think I accomplished that" I winked making her chuckle

"I would love to do it again but I don't want to disrespect Nana like that" she said playing with her hands, I took a hold of her hands stopping her from picking at her fingers
"I think that your Nana wouldn't see it as disrespectful as long as you were happy" I said making her look up at me

"You think?" She asked looking at me with a small ounce of hope
"I know so" I smiled making her smile at me too 
"Then I'll try" She said biting her lip
"Yeah?" I asked and she nodded
"Monday evening, I'll come" she said and I chuckled with a wider smile
"I'll be here" I said stepping closer to her 

She chuckled rolling her eyes stepping forward too 
We were millimeters apart and I could feel both of us start to lean in. I was about to kiss her until..
Her phone started going off making both of us sigh taking a step back

"It's Freddie" She sighed and I nodded
"Take it, I'll be in Studio A when your done" I smiled
"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded

I left Riley to answer her phone call except now all I'm thinking about is what would have happened if he hadn't called.. 

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