Chapter 2

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AN: Hi I hope you liked the chapter!

Kara's POV

Who is that...

She said she was in tech and she had to past her first year if she knows where things are...

I shake off my thoughts and walk into our bunk.


The next morning at breakfast I walk in not recognizing literally anyone at any of the tables.

It seems like all of the houses mix and sits together after the first dinner in individual houses. Even people at that weird head table that was lowered off the stage, were mixed throughout the crowd.

Now the only issue is in the last 5 seconds I still haven't met anyone in this camp so I have absolutely nowhere to sit.

I glance around and finally spot a familiar face at a table in the corner.

I walk and quickly grab my food before moving to the table where the raven-haired girl was sitting.

I plop down and she raises an eyebrow at me as I dig into my eggs.

"Well good morning to you..." she says dryly.

"Good morning"

There is a long pause of silence before she says "Am I allowed to ask why you are sitting with me?"


"Why not?"

"Cause you haven't told me your name yet. Until then I am not going to answer your questions" I say simply.

She raises an eyebrow at me as she eats a kale salad.

"Get up" I turn my head and find Bailey standing behind me. My eyebrows furrow and she says "Get up."

"What? What did I do wrong?" I question.

Bailey glances at the raven-haired woman "You don't sit with her."

"Why exactly?"

"Because you are a first-year and first years do not sit with the stage manager. Now get up and find another table."

My eyes widen and my head spins to face the raven-haired women I know realize is Lena Luthor and I am so incredibly fucked...

I finally notice the whole dining hall was looking at us

I am so fucked...

"Bailey. Calm down I am done with my food and have far too much to do today so she can keep the table I will be on my way." Lena says as she stands and walks away.


I rub my stomach as I walk out of the dining hall.

This camp is so so high-end and nice! Even after the hard start, I couldn't stop myself from eating more than my fill. The food is better than the food at my house. My mom would kill me if she heard me say that.

I head in the direction of my companies theater. We have auditions today and my nerves are finally starting to get to me.

I have been hearing the whispers around camp everyone expects me to be perfect because it is my first year but I am in the 5th year of camp and then the whole me sitting with Lena makes it way way worse.

Everyone's expectations are exhausting and it is only the second day. Hopefully, after a couple of days, people will forget about me and just focus on the productions.

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