Chapter 12

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AN: Thank you for reading

(This is a couple of hours later) 

Lena's POV

"WILL YOU GO ON A DATE WITH ME?" I raise an eyebrow at the blonde in front of me. I can't believe she just yelled that for everyone around to hear. I mean I am glad it means I don't have to continue rambling about how amazing and adorable she is until she finally catches on to the fact that I am trying to ask her out. She continues rambling while I fathom that she really asked me out "Look I know you said you weren't sure what the feelings you had toward me were and I get that better than anyone because I am not sure what or strong my feelings for you are but I know they are there and I would smack myself if I didn't act on them somewhat and-" 

"Yes I will go on a date with you," I say leaning forward and grabbing her hand giving it a light squeeze. 

I actually listened to Bailey's advice and didn't let my anxiety stop me from talking to Kara about the fact that I had some sort of nonplatonic feelings for her, and thank the tech gods she actually reciprocates my feelings. 

"Oh thank god you weren't responding and I was getting a bit worried," she says with a sigh of relief. 

Before we could continue Nat comes running up to us "Sorry to interrupt but it's an emergency" 

"What happened?" I say spinning to face her with an urgency and concern I hadn't felt since Kara's panic attack. 

"It's Yelena." 


I storm in through the back door of the main stage to find Kate, Sara, and Winn comforting Yelena. 

I walk up and rest my hands on her shoulders. She makes eye contact and I resist the urge to flinch from the hurt in her eyes as I softly say "Are you okay?"

She nods and says "I am fine. You guys don't have to worry about me so much. Remember I am the badass of the 5 of us? I am okay." but tears were still streaming down her face. 

I release a sad sigh as I say "Did I ever tell you four that my first  two weeks as stage manager last year I cried myself to sleep every night?" They all shake their heads "No one respected me in tech or in the actors. I felt helpless and alone even with all the training and preparation I recieved. Until I realized I had people who did support me, the ones who really knew me and had my back were there to pick me up and help me earn the respect we all knew I deserved. This year I had already done it for a year, so I didn't have that same freakout. Yel, you got thrown into this position with zero training or warning." I make better eye contact with not just her but all of them "I am so used to relying on you as my ASM that I forgot that you wouldn't be prepared for the position right away. That isn't to say you are completely capable of handling it but I have failed to train and prepare all of you incase the day came that you would be stage manager." They were all looking at me as I say with conviction "All of you are incredible assistant stage managers and I couldn't have asked for a better group supporting me through my second summer as stage manager. And each of you will make an incredible stage manager but this particular stage manager position is more difficult then any other so we are going to work together to help Yel be the best Stage Manager this camp has ever seen" 

Winn adds his agreement "You are brand new to this anyone who isn't insane would need help with this job. All of us are going to be better we promise. I mean I would have run away from camp if I was in your position" All of us laugh at his joke.  

She smiles at us and wipes her tears as she says "Thank you"

"And I can start that process by handling a little problem of ours that I should have addressed a while ago and I apologize for that," I say giving her shoulders a light squeeze. "You guys can stay in the wings or come on stage with me your choice." 

"We are a team." Yelena says with a new resolve in her voice "All for one and one for all so we are coming on stage with you even if we don't know what exactly you have planned" 

I nod thankfully before we walk out on stage and I hear them all release a small gasp as all of tech and I mean ALL of tech is sat in the main stage audience. 

Costumes, lights, sets, designs, painting, programming, props, pit band. Everyone. I had Alex do an announcement over the PA to get all of tech regardless of what they were doing to report to the main stage. 

And to my surprise, the directors were in the back with Kara next to them. 

"Alright listen up" I call out silencing everyone "I am done sitting around letting all of you disrespect your stage manager-" 

"She isn't our stage manager you are! She should have declined the role and fought for you to be put back in it!" 

Someone calls out and I send them a glare as I say "No I am not. What you are saying is mutiny and bull shit. If she declined the role they would have just appointed someone else, and if they declined it. It would just keep going and the mantle would not return to me in that process. I knew what I was doing that day and I knew what the consequences most likely would be so." I take a deep breath and gather myself "Yelena is a wonderful stage manager and is doing an amazing job in an insanely difficult situation which those of you who are planning to stage a revolution or whatever, will do nothing but cause her more stress and your show to go off track. All of you will start respecting her" There are some protests but I hold up a hand silencing them. "I said respecting her, trusting and relying on her as your new leader is a different story that she will have to earn from each of you individually the same way I did and the same way every stage manager did before. But if all of you have already decided against that before she even has had a chance to prove herself it is unfair to her and all of us who are ASMs." there is complete silence and I take another breath "All of this has caused our shows to be behind a week which with a brand new stage manager will make all of our lives incredibly difficult and stressful. We as the stage managers ask for your patience while we find a way to get back on track, but that will not be able to happen if you do not respect everyone in the position they currently hold." I see some nods but some still not agreeing still so I add "For those of you who still don't want to acknowledge and respect the change you will be responsible for the first no performance summer in over 100 years be my guest. Cause if you continue acting the way you have been that is what will happen. So take tonight to get your shit together and decide what you want to do. If you don't want to support the change don't bother showing up to rehearsal tomorrow morning." 

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