Chapter 13

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AN: hello I got sucked into a good book I just finished so now I can start writing this again, sorry for the wait but I hope you enjoy

Flashback/ conversations (things Yelena are remembering are in italics)

Yelena's POV
"There are 3 rules you need to know to be a good stage manager"

"Why three?" I question

"I don't know but there are 3"

"Rule number 1: Earn Respect"


I walk into Ivy's theater to check on Sara and her tech squad.

I get some weird looks and an actor even goes so far as to say "What are YOU doing here?" 

I raise an eyebrow at him and call out to Ivy "Ivy!" 

She was backstage and comes walking out slightly annoyed but it fades to a nice smile when she sees me "Ah, Yel, how can I help you?"

"Your actor seems to want to disrespect tech so you can dismiss them for the day." 

"What?!" she questions anger boiling inside her as she sends glares at all of the actors around her. 

"If your actors don't know respect tech doesn't have time to deal with your company. When your company gets your shit together and apologizes your techies will return but no sooner." I say as I walk out and pull my phone out shooting a text to the Flower company tech group chat telling them they have the day off. 


Lena explains the first rule "If actors and companies don't fear or respect you you are doing something wrong. You are in charge of all of tech now and all of tech will forever be more loyal to tech than any actor. You can say a couple of words and ruin their entire production. There is a chance that some will forget that you have that power because your new. Don't be afraid to remind them of the power you wield." 

I nod understanding her point. 

"Rule 2: Delegate" 


Holy shit I have so much to do... Nope! Not me. Like Lena said delegate. 

I take a deep breath and shoot several text

To James 

Your actors and tech are having a prank war. Shut it down before tech goes on strike in protest. 

To My 4 horsemen

Techies are getting away with too much against actors. Shut it down. 4 directors are doing the same with actors. 

To Lights

The bulbs in the north theater are dimmer than they should be. Please send someone from electrical and someone from lights to find the problem and report back. 

To 4 directors

I have guest lists to arrange and can't make it to the meeting today. Still, get together and talk through issues. Text me anything you need my interference with. 

From Lena

Two of our leads our bickering and can barely stand being on the same stage together.

I know Lena is testing me with this text. 

To Lena 

Pull them aside with Bailey and facilitate a conversation to try and end bad blood if that doesn't work call me and I will deal with it.

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