Chapter 9

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AN: YO Sorry it's been a hot minute! This will be a short chapter but a longer one is coming soon!

Lena's POV

I am sitting in the tech office after a long day of rehearsing with the Freedom company with the letter of the committee hearing summons in front of me. I am supposed to inform all parties involved so they come forward for their hearing at the end of the week. 

I rub my forehead as my mind races. 

"What the hell am I going to do?" I mutter to myself. 

Bailey, James, Ivy all fucked themselves completely. 

The committee is going to call them forward for a hearing and they are going to be removed from their positions. 

It's all of their last summers so their responsibilities will be given to my already overworked ASMs until some BS replacement is found. 

Ivy is a first-generation Korean-American and is an openly proud bisexual woman (I am using Nicole Kang's version from Batwoman)

James is also an openly proud gay black man. 

Bailey is a proud Black woman and will bitch slap any bigots faster than you could blink. 

The committee is a ton of rich white fucks who want control and money that having true representation of minorities in power takes away from them. 

They can't pull the same strings in the background that they have in the past. 

Alex will still have her position but it won't matter, the power will be back in the hands of the wrong people. 

I sigh and place my head between my hands. 

"Fuck me"

There is a knock at my door before I could continue trying to find a solution. 

"Come in" 

Alex steps through my door and I motion for her to take a seat on the other side of my desk. 

"How can I help you, Alex?"

"I just stopped by to tell you Kara is awake and doing better."

"I am glad to hear it," I say letting out a breath of relief. 

"And I also want to say thank you. I know how much you and Kara care about each other-"


"It stays with me don't worry," she says waving off my dismissal. "You helped Kara and you helped us and that makes you more amazing in my eyes than anything you could ever do. You knew exactly what Kara needed without her or me telling you. So- yeah thank you. That's- that's what I came here to tell you." 

"I- Of course. I do care about Kara, the same way I care about everyone in this camp but- I won't deny that I care a lot about Kara. I wasn't about to let her suffer like that while I stand around." I say leaning back a bit. 

"Is there going to be issues?" she says referring to the same topic I have spent the last several hours mulling over and debating. 

I decided to give her the most more positive outlook. 

"Yeah... but it will be handled." 

"If you need back up all you have to do is give me a holler." She says giving me a nod as she stands out of the chair. 

I nod "I don't know if you will be able to help but just- just have faith that I am going to handle it for the best of the camp." 

She smiles at me and says "Yeah that sounds about right" 


Bailey's POV (4 days later) 

"Alright, everyone time for Act 1 run-through. Everyone got there-" I say walking into the theater to find it practically empty. I raise an eyebrow and glance at Mer and Maggie who were waiting for me. "Where is everyone?" 

"There is a council hearing for the acts that caused the panic attack." My eyebrows furrow realizing that I should be informed about that especially because I was part of the cause but before my thoughts could continue Mer adds "Lena is standing trial" 

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