Chapter 5

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AN: Hello I hope you enjoy this story! 

I said Harley was in the hillside company on accident she is in the Freedom company with Alex! 

Also, Evelyn is Cuban-American Idk if I described that well or at all

and a new Character Celia St. James (from the same book) is African-American

Lena's POV

I walk into the dining hall after the end of the second week of rehearsals and I could practically feel the exhaustion radiating off the crowd. 

Usually, during a musical year, the first 2 to 3 weeks are spent focusing heavily on choreography and dance numbers to make sure it is perfect while throwing in singing and blocking when they can. 

Considering the four shows are Chicago, Hamilton, Hadestown, and Newsies all the shows are heavy dancing shows making these beginning weeks exhausting. (I am sticking with musicals I know somewhat so I can help describe them as best I can when necessary) 

I glance at a table where my four ASM's are sitting and decide to sit with them. 

"Hey Lena," Winn greats me happily eating his Pho (I think there is an accent on this somewhere but IDK how to add it sorry)

"Hey everyone," I say sitting down and digging into my own food in between bites I add "How are things?" 

Yelena rolls her eyes and says "I am still arguing with Bailey about whether doing a traditional set or a screen set with smaller set pieces will be best. If I don't get our crew to start working soon they will be off schedule and it might not get done. Either set requires more work than she is giving us enough time to do. " 

I nod "Alright I will talk to her and get you an answer before tomorrow." 

I turn to Winn who says "We are doing Newsies and it is going to be a pain in my asshole making that set. James wants something completely unrealistic with way too many moving parts. Someone is doomed to get hurt."

"Bring Cisco," our head of sets "He will talk some sense into James and if he doesn't I will."

I glance at Kate who shrugs "Alex is reasonable she knows that the Hamilton set is generally pretty simplistic but she wants to do more realistic to what a town would look like instead of the bricks of the original broadway concept. It's completely doable." 

"Sounds good. Please let me know if you need anything" 

Finally, I turn to Sara "All I have to worry about is the turntables and the dropping middle piece it shouldn't be too hard. Our sets department is already building and testing it and it seems to be going really well."

"Well, that's good to hear," I say digging back into my food and deciding just to listen to the conversation for a while. 

Winn speaks first "I can't believe you guys decided to do gender-bent Hamilton. Bold choice."

"A bold choice that will lead us to victory if we pull it off" Kate says with a cocky raise of her brow. 

"That is a BIG if little one," Yelena says using her nickname for her 'best friend' who is a foot taller than her. 

If you are one of the many many people who have figured it out from watching them interact for two seconds let me confirm... 

Yes, they are in love with each other

No neither of them is aware of the others feelings

Yes, we are all sick of it.

Welcome to the oblivious queers club

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