Chapter 4

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AN: Heyo hope you enjoy the new chapter! Sorry short chapter!

Two days later...

Kara's POV

I take a deep breath as I walk out of the cafeteria with Evelyn and Harley, our new friend, by my side. 

Harley is in the Freedom company but we eat together at meals together after I tripped over Harley's feet and she apologized and I offered for her to join Evelyn and I because she wasn't sitting with anyone at the time. 

I glance at Evelyn and say "Regardless of the roles either of us get I am proud of us for doing so well and I hope we stay close friends same goes with you Harls. We both are rooting for you to get King George in your companies gender-bent Hamilton production."

 She smiles happily as we walk to her company first. 

It was closer to the dining hall and Harley beat both Evelyn and me in rock paper scissors so we are going to her theater first. 

One minute later we see the massive crowd around a bulletin board outside of the theater. 

I nearly lose my shit laughing when Harley yells "BEEP BEEP HONK HONK MOVE YOUR ASSES!" 

It only takes a minute after that before I hear Harley yell "YES!!" and runs out and tackles Evelyn and me to the ground as she says "I GOT THE PART!" She stands up and dances around as she continues saying "I got the part! Holy shit! How did I do that?!!??" 

Evelyn laughs at the short blonde "Yes you did! Now can we go find out if Kara and I got our roles!?"

"YES! Let's go!" Harley says while dragging Evelyn and me the five-minute walk to our theater. 

Same as Harley's theater there is a large crowd gathered around a similar bulletin board. 

Evelyn and I shove our way through the crowd as politely as possible till we were at the front. 

"Spire Company's Production of CHICAGO Cast List"

I don't have to scroll far to find my name. I look across and find that the role I got was none other than Roxie Hart. 

Holy shit I got the role I wanted. 


I glance at Evelyn who is equally as excited as I am before glancing back at the list and finding she got Velma Kelly! 


There are screams around us as people find out they got the roles they wanted. 

We run out to Harley and tackle her in a hug as we yell "WE GOT THE PARTS!"

Harley yells happily along with us. 


I pull out my phone quickly and text the group chat with my mom and my sister quickly texting 


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