Chapter 3

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Kara's POV

I walk back into the theater and see everyone sitting in chairs towards the front with Bailey and Yelena standing on stage.

I take a seat in the first open seat I find next to a gorgeous tan-skinned blonde.

I smile slightly at her and I say "Hello, do you mind if I sit here?"

"Not at all," she says while giving me a smile back "How do you think you did?"

I shrug "I want to say I did well but my anxiety will never actually let me believe that"

She chuckles and says "Yeah I get that but I bet you did amazing. I am Evelyn" while offering me her hand.

"Kara, nice to meet you."

Before I could continue Bailey calls for our attention and says "Okay everyone listen up! We have decided our show will be Chicago. If you hear your name called you are staying back for the acting and dance portion. Everyone else thank you for your time but you are dismissed for the day to go to the main stage for some improve fun with other cast members in different companies." Everyone nods their understanding before she continues "Now for those coming back for the callback." I close my eyes and cross my fingers as she goes through the list. I smile when I hear Evelyn cheer quietly at hearing her name and my cheers are followed after when I hear my own name.

We exchange big smiles with each other as about half of the crowd leaves sadly.

Bailey and Yelena sit back down as Yelena says "You can all come up and grab the lines we want you to run. We are going to do that before we do the dance cut."

I stand up with Evelyn and we walk up to the head table.

Bailey glances up at us and raises an eyebrow at us before handing us each two packets of lines with different scenes we were supposed to run.

"You will have 30 minutes to practice before it officially begins." She says simply.

I glance at Evelyn and say "I really don't know anyone else here do you want to run lines together?"

"Yah sure!"

We move to the side and glance at my packets and see that I am going to be auditioning for Velma and Roxie.

"Looks like we are going to be each others competition," Evelyn says as she shows me she has the same packets.

"Do you have a preference for who you want to read first?" I question.

"I would prefer Velma if possible. I have a heavy dance background and she is my dream role."

"Well, in that case, start with her and I will read Roxie, I have wanted to try playing her for a while so this seems to work out," I say excited for the chance.

We run lines and get to know each other better while practicing the entire time.

The time passes quickly and Bailey gathers us to start.

She goes through the different roles having everyone for each one do the different lines.

Starting with Billy Flynn, then Amos Heart, then Matron Mama Morta next and then it was finally Evelyn and I's turn to act for both Roxie, and Velma.

I think I was able to pull off Velma and her sass but her dance parts will be really difficult because I haven't been practicing Dance a couple of years ago.

But despite that from Evelyn's reaction I seemed to absolutely killed my audition for Roxie. Roxie is still going to be a heavy-dancing role but less so than Velma.

The dancing section was a struggle and because it was a dance-heavy show Bailey kept us here till dinner time.

I felt like I was about to puke after all of the working out so I decide to pull out my phone and text Alex.

To Alex

Hi, Alex I just finished auditions, do you mind if I crash in your private cabin for a couple of hours so I can have some peace and quiet?

Alex responds almost immediately and says

From Alex

Yes. I have meetings with Lena, the ASM's and the other directors so text me if you go back to your bed or not so I know if I can be loud coming in or not.

To Alex


Alex texted me the directions to the senior staff bunks.

I am assuming everyone is at meetings or dinner so I shouldn't have any problems with getting in undetected.

So imagine my surprise and terror when someone says "What are you doing here?" while I am opening my sister's cabin door.

I spin around slowly and unfortunately, it was someone I knew.


"Ummmmmm would you believe me if I say I am breaking and entering?"

She glances at the Danver's nameplate on my sister's door and then back at me before she says "No because it seems me suspicious that your matching last name to Director Danvers is no coincidence. You are in fact related."

"No," I am breaking into her cabin becauseeeee-"

"I won't tell people you are related if that is why you are lying," she says calmly.

"I-" My eyebrows furrow "Why do you think that's why I am lying?"

"Cause this is a camp full of brutal actors who will do anything to push their agenda forward so one of them finding out your sister is a director will make them think you are being shown favoritism especially when you get the lead in your first year."

"I am going to get the lead???!!" I say shocked.

"You haven't gotten it officially and it could change but from what I heard from Yelena it seems you are going to get Roxie and someone named Evelyn Hugo is going to get Velma. (There is a book called seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo read it. It's gay and amazing.)"

"NO FUCKING WAY! You are messing with me!" I say grabbing her by her shoulders.

She shakes off my hands and steps away "I haven't been here and you didn't hear that. Or the whole camp will come for our heads. Now go inside and rest you only have two days rest before some of the most difficult weeks of your life."

I am slightly startled by her harsh tone and step away as I nod and say "Okay... Have a good night Lena"

She just nods and walks away I am about to walk into Alex's room when I hear "Oh and Kara?" I turn back to look at Lena "Congratulations" 

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