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''' Going to put the authors thing up here, so ✨ENJOY✨'''''

      Slamming the front door, throwing my bag on my desk chair, "Whoa, care to explain why you are so loud all of a sudden?" My roommate and best friend Felix asked. "Two words." "Lee Minho." We said at the same time. I flopped down on the couch, face first in the pillows.

     "What happened this time?" I just groaned loud, then there was a knock on our door, then it opened, "I could have been naked." Felix said, "Yeah but you aren't. Anyway it's Friday, we are going to the game." Seungmin said, I felt the couch sink more and a hard slap to my butt. "Why." Dragging out the y.

    Rubbing my butt, rolling over to see who slapped me and it was Jeongin, "I don't want to go." I said, pulling out my phone, "Well Princess, we are going." Jeongin said to me, giving him the middle finger.

    "Why, just so you two can see the boys you thirst over? You guys don't even enjoy the sport of hockey." I said as I rolled my eyes. Growing up a hockey fan, and playing the sport when I was younger, I love hockey. But when I came to Uni, not so much. Seungmin and Jeongin go to thirst over two guys they have been in love with since our freshman year. Felix's boyfriend plays for the team, so he has to go, well he likes too because his boyfriend is the goon*.

    "You don't have to call us out like that." Jeongin said as he slapped my thigh.

    "I swear." But I could never be mad at him though.

    "Anyway gays." I coughed, "And bi, we are going tonight. Game is in two hours, so let's go get dinner and hot chocolate." Seungmin said, Jeongin grabbed my hands and pulled me up, now sitting up. I opened my mouth to say that I wasn't going, "I don't want to hear any complaints coming from you. I don't care about how you hate Minho, or that he is a try hard. No complaints. Now get dressed! Innie and I will meet you at the caf. Two hours." Then they left our dorm, and I just groaned again.

     I knew, I would never win against Seungmin, so I got dressed. Putting on a hoodie then my Norte Dame sweater*, "You know he will say how it isn't his last name on the back." Felix said as he got dressed, I looked up at him, staring at him.

     "Not needed." I grabbed my keys, "Let's go before Minnie actually kills me." Felix laughed. On the way to the caf I told him what bullshit Minho said today, "This is one of my favorite fan fiction types. Where the guy chases after the person who wants nothing to do with them. Or Enemies to lovers is also a good one as well." I just stared at him, "Why are we friends again?" Felix rolled his eyes and pushed me a little. "Rude." 


Dictionary (where I will give all the meanings to all the hockey terms I use)

Goon: Known as the tough guy, aka the enforcer. The main role they play is to act aggressive towards the other teams players that tries to play dirty with their star player and or goalie. Also know as the protect of the team.

Sweater: Different name for a hockey jersey.

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