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This was a battle that I could never win, again, even after Minnie put makeup on me.

"You look hot." He said, "Don't you dare wipe it off or I will kill you." He smiled at me before he walked out. As I turned to him, clothes hit my face, "Put these on." I rolled my eyes as I put on the clothes. Which was black skinny jeans, a black shirt and my big fluffy black jacket. After getting dressed, I fixed my blonde hair and then put on my shoes. Walking out, "Rules." Felix said, all three of them looked at me, I rolled my eyes as I spoke the rules, I made for them.

Walking to the Frat House that all the football and baseball players lived in. I left my id and key with Felix, "A round." Felix said as we walked up to the bar, once the shots were poured, we downed them.

Ordering my drink, I downed it, I was planning on getting fucked up tonight since I didn't have to babysit. I also pregamed a little before I left the dorm, I had 15 oz of sake. So I was already buzzed, and I'm only hoping to get wasted by the end of it. Dancing with the guys until their boyfriends showed up, I just danced and drank my beer.

"You should slow down." I heard his honey like voice, turning around, I hummed, "And what if I don't." I said as I downed the rest of my beer, still very much aware of everything, "You will have a bad hangover." I got closer to him, tapping my chin, "Anything else Lee." I said, I felt his hands on my waist, "The one who is always the DD since I have known you, is trying to get drunk." Moving even closer to him, I studied his face.

He had a cute mole on his nose and one on his left cheek, "You are staring." He said as I continued to look at his face closely, he smiled, causing his apples on his cheeks to show up more. Moving my hand up towards his face, I poked his nose where the mole is.

"Cute." I said to myself, "Thank you." He replied back, feeling my ears get hot. Thankfully Felix called me, "Excuse me." I didn't want to leave his hold, nor stop looking at his beautiful face. Walking over to Felix, "Yes." Sounding grateful that he pulled me away, because I don't want him to know that I am falling for Lee Minho.

"Hyunjin and Jeongin are nowhere to be seen and same for Chanmin." Turn my head to the side, "Chanmin, Seungmin and Chan's ship name. Duh." He flicked my forehead, "Get with the program. Anygay! I lost them both!!" Sighing, because I should have just stayed DD.

"Call them Lix and I will call Hyunjin and Chan." He nod his head, pulling out my phone to call Chan first, after the first ring he answered, "At my apartment, with Seungminnie." He said, "Good to know, thank you." Ending the call, I called Hyunjin, three rings, "Yes?" He answered sassy, "Innie with you and where are you at?" Listening to Innie's giggle, "Yes and we are at the rec playing uno. I'll drop him off at his dorm later tonight." Sighing, "Okay. Thank you."

"None of them answered me!" Lix shock my shoulders, "I got it handled." He stopped shaking me, "Okay good. I'm going back to Binnie." "I'm heading back to the dorm, stay out of trouble. Please." He gave me his sunshine smile then walked away, sighing for the tenth time tonight, I walked out of the Frat.

Getting back to my dorm, I changed into clean boxers and a shirt, taking off the makeup. I laid in my bed, about to watch Demon Slayer when my phone went off.

1st overall 🙄

You look beautiful tonight, if you are free tomorrow, would you like to go on a date with me. <3.

Laughing at his dumb text,


Again with the straight emojis, how are you even gay. But I'll let you know.

Sighing as my phone went off again,

1st overall 🙄

Coming for my cute emoji's again, rude. I'll see you tomorrow.

Smiling, I put my phone down, and forget about Demon Slayer.


Honestly, I dont even know if anyone likes this story, but anygay. enjoy

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