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''' Yo, I love hockey and minsung'''

The game ended with a Gordie Howe hat trick* from Changbin, two goals from Minho. Towards the end of the game, Chan and Hyunjin got into a fight with two guys who tried shit with the goalie. But the game ended in a win, "So we will see you at Lambda." Jungkookie said to us, "Yeah, see you then." I said, they walked off, but we had to head towards the locker room to wait for Changbin.

"God that fight was hot." Felix said, "I know Chan looked so hot." "Um Hyunjin looked way hotter." I listened to them talk about who was hotter during the fights. I just rolled my eyes and walked behind them, once at the locker room, we saw all the fans and puck bunnies.

"If one of those whores tries anything with Binnie again, I will kill them." Felix said, I put my hand on his shoulder, "Calm down Lix. Don't need Aussie Lix to come out do we." I smiled as he side hugged me, "I will kill them though." I laughed as I looked at Seungmin and Jeongin.

"Guys calm down. It's not the first time you have met them." "Easy for you to say, you hate Minho." Jeongin said, as he played with his shirt sleeve. Soon the guys came out, Jin walked up to me, "Heard you are coming to the party." Dabbing him up, "Yeah JK cornered us and Felix said yes." "It's going to be fun, plus we won." He winked at me, "See you then." I just nod, he walked away to sign things. I felt Felix leave my hold, guessing Changbin came out, the screams only got louder as the top four players came out.

I rolled my eyes, as them four came up to us, I watched as Felix kiss Changbin everywhere to make sure the puck bunnies knew he was taken. Seungmin and Jeongin on the other hand were fangirling hard over Chan and Hyunjin. Chan came up to me and dabbed me up, "You know it's not too late to join us." He said with a smile.

Chris Chan Bang, one of my best friends since grade school, we grew up playing hockey together, even got scouted together to come play for Norte Dame. I got injured right before camp started, I still got my scholarship and I still have a place on the team if I wanted to join. But I think my hockey career is done and I want to focus on my music career.

"Yeah, yeah I know." Smiling at him, "You coming to the party?" I shed him, "Don't talk too loud." He looked towards Minho who was talking to some girls.

"Maybe you" then he looked back at me as I stared at him. "Don't even finish that sentence." He just laughed, then I heard Jeongin laugh. Looking over at them laughing at something Minnie did, "You know he is single." I said elbowing Chan, I know his sexuality, very much a closeted pan. Looking up at him as he fixed his hair, "So party?" He asked, "Yeah we will be there." "Good." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Make a move finally, stupid." I said to him, "Hey guys, let's get going." Felix called out, his arm around his boyfriend, "We will see you later." I said, I went to grab Seungmin and Jeongin, "Let's go, you can flirt later." I said. Thankfully Minho didn't notice me.



Gordie Howe hat trick: Meaning you got into a fight, got a goal and an assist on a different goal

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