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A small warning, ⚠️ I will be talking about what happened in the last chapter, just a bit, but more in the next chapter ⚠️ 

    The next day was awkward, to say the least. I stared at my coffee, having a fucking extra lecture, pushing up my glasses. Groaning loudly, I grabbed my things and headed for my next class, which was in the music hall today. Walking out of the caf, and to the music hall, I saw the first liners walk towards me.

     "Calm down, it will be fine." I mean this isn't the first time we have passed by each other today, but I couldn't even look at Minho without my face turning red.

    "Hey Jisung!" Hyunjin called out, I am going to fucking kill him. As they walked up to me, "Hey, sorry my music theory class starts in five minutes." I said, walking past them as fast as I could.

     Around 4 is when all my classes and that fucking extra lecture was over. Rubbing my forehead as a headache started, sighing as I make my way to my dorm. Fucking hoping, that the boys wouldn't be in my dorm this time. Letting out a breath of relief as I found the dorm quiet. Throwing my back on the chair, I face planted into the couch and let out a cry of relief and fell asleep.

     "Jisung, wake up." A hand rubbed the back of my head, turning to the side, opening my eyes to see Felix.

     "I'm guessing you are not feeling well?" "Are the others here?" He shook his head no, "Are you okay?" "Lixie, something bad and good happened yesterday, and I don't know how to bring it up." Watching him tilt his head to the side, "What's up?" "Lix, you can't tell anyone." "If it's about you and Minho kissing, I know." "Okay that did happen, but anyway. I'm talking about the game, why Minho got into those fights." Felix made me sit up, as he sat down, my head laying in his lap.

      He ran his fingers through my hair, "Someone must have said something homophobic and did it towards Minho, and only him. After the game, when I ran off, I found Minho crying, he didn't have to tell me, I knew deep down what had happened. And I feel fucking bad, because we should have talked about it together, but we didn't. We just brushed it aside, I was going to stay the night and talk to him about it. But fucking Hyunjin cockblocked, then Innie drove me home. I want to talk to him today, I can't because all I do is fucking blush at the fact we kissed more then once." I went on more about Minho and I kissing, and Felix listened to me. 

    Felix, nodded his head then sighed, "Don't you guys have a date tomorrow, so talk to him then. I know that's the perfect ideal first date, but I see it bothering you and I have a feeling it is bothering him as well. Jisung, you have to talk to him, even if you want a relationship with him, talking is huge. About your feelings, problems and overall everything you want him to know about you." 

      Sighing because he is right, "The team is on their way to the rink, so it's probably not the best idea. But do it before they leave next week, the sooner, the better." He reached down and kissed my forehead, "Thank you Lixie." "Welcome Hannie." He started to move, "Um can we stay here for a bit, I still have a headache and I'm comfortable." Felix smiled at me, and went back to playing with my hair, were I fell asleep again. 


Im sorry it's short, I wanted to post something. I have been so busy with work and im tired, but I want to keep updating.

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