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Ohhhhh, hi! 

      The next morning, I woke up to my phone blowing up. It was Seungmin, I picked up the call, "Hello." He yelled at me about his night.

     "Okay calm down, I'll get Innie and Felix and we can talk about it later. Meet in the caf soon."  Sighing as I got dressed and woke up Jeongin, "Minnie needs to tell us about losing his v card." He just groaned as he got up, I handed him his key, and id as I went to my room to get Felix.

     "Lix." I called out, "I am dressed." He said, as I walked in, "Code Yellow." I said, "Bye Binnie, I love you." He kissed Binnie then we left as Jeongin was sitting downstairs waiting for us.

     Walking to the caf, we were the only ones there, getting breakfast, as soon as we sat down Seungmin told us everything. I was now not hungry for breakfast, speak of the fucking devil. The first liners* showed up, I rolled my eyes as Minho sat next to me.

     "Can I help you?" I asked, "What time do you want to meet up tonight for the movie?" He asked, I was hoping he would forget. Before I could even answer, someone coughed, looking at everyone.

     "If you have forgotten tonight the football team invited us to a party." Chan said, Minho looked down, "Another time." He said, "Anyway! As much as we would love to stay and talk, but we have hockey practice in an hour." Changbin said, he kissed Felix, Chan kissed Seungmin. Hyunjin and Jeongin were in their own little world to notice anything.

      "Jinnie, let's go." Minho said as he got up, he looked at me, "See you Jisungie." I gave him a wave as they all got up and left us.

    "And all that are left were bottoms." I made a sound at Felix, "Speak for yourself, I am a switch." I said, taking a drink of my coffee.

      "We are going to that party." Seungmin said, "And I think Felix needs to be DD for one night." Jeongin said as he smirked at me. I just hummed, "Sure." Felix agreed.

      Heading back to our dorms, I went to grab my bag to start my homework so I wouldn't have to do it all tomorrow. Felix was playing a video game, as I was writing a 3,000 paper about how the theory of time is a mystery. Stupid I know, I think my Psych professor is bat shit crazy. Half way through my paper, I heard Felix groan, "Lunch time, Hannie." He said, "Um, just get me something, I want to finish this today." Writing down some facts to add to the paper.

     "Fine." I listened to him get up, then I heard the door close. Sighing, I looked at my phone, and it read 1:30. Rubbing my eyes, I cracked my neck and went back to my paper.

    An hour later, the door opened up to Felix, looking at him fast, noting a few new hickeys. Looking back at my laptop, "Quick fuck after lunch?" He put the food down next to me as he jumped on the couch.

     "He is so hot." He said, I just laughed as I ate and finished my paper. Two hours later, I was done, submitting the rough draft in, I got up and cracked my whole body, "Nice." I said to myself.

       "I am going to shower." I said, heading to the bathroom. Once I was done, walking back to the room, I saw all three boys there. "Glad you showered, we are getting dinner than we are getting ready for the party." Seungmin said, I rolled my eyes.

      "Why do I have to go again? I am perfectly fine with just staying here." "You are going and actually having fun this time, instead of babysitting us." Jeongin said.

      "The youngest has spoken." Felix said, pointing at Jeongin, who had his arms crossed and stared at me.

First liners: the top players that always play first. (Changbin and Chan are defenseman, Minho plays left wing but mostly center, Hyunjin plays right wing)

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